Clouds beauty!
The beauty of the sky is due to many things but when clouds come, the beauty of the sky looks very pleasing. When the clouds come during the rainy season, they are at their own speed, on one side they are running very fast and on the other side they are moving very slowly.
If sunlight is present then they also show their different colors. The most beautiful color is golden which appears near evening when sunlight falls. The golden color changes make them look very lovely. It seems as if someone has filled them with golden color.
Some clouds are dark in color and when it is rainy season, it rains heavily, It moves at the speed of the prevailing wind and keeps raining. Some clouds are silver in color and are busy only in travelling.
It is a system of nature that clouds are taking place all over the world. Today, it rains and also keeps moving in some way. When there are too many clouds, the sun plays a trick in the eyes behind them. Due to the clouds, the light and heat falling on the earth gets reduced a lot, but this is also very beneficial and necessary for all the creatures living on the ground. At the time of grouping with the sun, we can see a very beautiful view of the sun with the clouds in many types of paintings.
In this era of business, man does not have enough time to go out into the open sky and enjoy the beauty of these clouds. People who are fond of seeing such sights make them an integral part of their lives and often take out time to enjoy the beauty of the clouds and the sun.
This is a beautiful gift of nature which we take advantage of.