191 Students Pass of Universitas Malikussaleh Internships and Certified Studies |


A total of 191 students from Malikussaleh University graduated in the Certified Independent Study and Internship Program (MSIB) at various institutions. This number increased significantly compared to the previous generation.

The Chancellor of Malikusaleh University, Prof. Dr. Herman Fithra Asean Eng, explained that there were several supporting factors that led to the increase in student graduation in the MSIB program, including increasing the quality of students and increasing Unimal collaboration with various institutions.

"There are many positive aspects from the evaluation results of the previous batch of MSIB programs. So, each generation continues to increase," said Herman who was accompanied by the Unimal Freedom Campus Learning Program Coordinator, Prof. Dr. M. Sayuti, Sunday (26/2/2023).

In MSIB Batch 3, the number of Malikussaleh University students who graduated from the MSIB program was 171 students. Of these, 102 students passed a certified independent study program, and 69 passed internships in various companies.

Meanwhile, in MSIB Batch 4, there were 111 students who passed the apprenticeship and 80 students graduated in a certified independent study program.

Prof. Sayuti as the Coordinator of MBKM at Malikussaleh University added, the 191 students who graduated had fulfilled the administrative requirements and stages of the selection process.

"The number of partners for the internship program is 30 companies and involves 20 study programs. Meanwhile corporate partners for independent study programs 33 companies with a number of study programs as many as 12 study programs," detailed Sayuti.

According to him, the MSIB program provides opportunities for students to experience the real world of work, in addition to expanding networks with the industrial world. The implementation of the MSIB program is also a measure of achieving the main performance indicators, namely studying off campus and seeking experience in the industrial world.

"Hopefully, students who graduate can take advantage of the apprenticeship program as best as possible," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering.[]


That's a good number. I wish the graduating students success throughout their lives. Thank you for sharing the good news.
