Indeed What we Hold Today is Brighter for Tomorrow..Touching Lives with Hive again and again
When asked about the future, the master said, the end is what you hold today for a brighter tomorrow. Our tomorrow can be brighter when what we hold today can solve tomorrow's challenges. When it comes to addressing issues, technology has helped in so many diverse ways.
Education has been seen as a driving force towards development. This is why world leaders in trying to achieve quality education around the world inculcated it into sustainable Development Goals. In our attempt of achieving this, we have to look at the gaps that exist.
Just as we have climate activist that seeks the right thing to be done to maintain the environment so must it occur for education. Many individuals have devoted themselves as an educational activist to ensuring the right materials are provided for pupils in schools. This indicates that the fight is not only for governments but then a collective effort in addressing the gap that exists between achieving quality education.
In Ghana, this is not something new to us, many communities still lack access to quality education and other learning materials. It will marvel us to hear that, some school children still have to sit under trees and in collapse building to access education.
Hive as part of its empowerment project has reached out to many schools to provide exercise that will help a child who can't afford an exercise book and a pen to write with. The recent activity by the team paid a courtesy call to IBN BAAZ Islamic school
The exercise is not only providing learning materials but also preparing the young ones to know how technology can be used to address educational challenges. In one way or the other, we are introducing Hive to the children and that serves it right for the future. A nation with no youth or children will cease to exist in years to come, So we see this opportunity of reaching out to schools as a platform to channel blockchain technology to the children. Even though some might not a clear picture of it now but we are looking at the bigger picture in the future.
This gives me hope that Hive will grow very well in Ghana. I can imagine how many of these students are spreading the news about the hive. What we hold today is brighter for tomorrow.
The school after receiving the items expressed their gratitude to the entire Hive blockchain technology for coming up with its initiative and selecting their school to be part of this exercise.
Hive us no doubt the game changer, I never imagined a platform like this but I am glad I was introduced to hive.
Where i can find this book?