The other and I, feelings and connection (WEEK 226)

The feedback and the words of the other often show us what we overlook.


Being the person I am today, I wouldn't change it, I wouldn't be any different, because the evolutionary process I've been through has been very hard and a long road of years.

On that road I have met many people, friends, acquaintances, students, clients, bosses, co-workers and people in general.

It is from all these people that many times I have received appreciations or comments, which have been told to me personally, not through intermediaries, about myself, my attitudes, my way of being. Characteristics about me that I didn't even realise I was expressing and that were so good for other people.

It is from those same people that I have realised what is special to them, what they see in me and what makes them feel affection for me, awakening many feelings.

When I was teaching, my students told me that they loved the space that I gave them, because they felt comfortable, a space where they could talk about any subject, there were many spaces for life issues rather than computers, that they felt at ease because I gave them a special energy, of closeness and I never judged others.

They told me that in the place where I was they found containment and attraction because of my sweet and kind way of being. But I also gave off that different energy that made them like to be around me.

When I have had co-workers, I remember, I was assigned to my position according to what the manager decided. Once one of my colleagues told me: I was waiting to be assigned to your group, it is more comfortable to work with you, the day is more fun and cheerful and the work is not a burden. I didn't know what to say when I received such a beautiful sentiment.

And he said to me: We are always waiting to be assigned, my colleagues and I, under your leadership, you make us feel part of an important team, all equal and you motivate us at work.

I remember these words very fondly, this happened five and a half years ago.


I have also received feedback from the bosses I have had, they valued my constancy, dedication, effort and discipline in my activities.

I remember on one occasion, when I was working as a team supervisor, the manager called me to stand in front of everyone and tell them how I made people stay, that they wanted to work there. I didn't expect him to put me in front of everyone.

I simply said that I was highlighting the good qualities of everyone, always emphasising the good things to motivate them. And talking to them personally, not in public but in private, about the things to improve, but as politely and as closely as possible, in a way that would motivate them to change.

I think that in all cases the good treatment, motivating, gentleness, empathy, joy and respect for what the other person is like is what makes them special for the others.

One thing I would like to emphasise is the issue of listening, just listening to the other without judgement, I do that a lot. People need ears and in this world there is a lot of talking and little listening. I think I give what I like to receive, but without intending to, it just happens that way.

Of course all the above applies to my two friends, I don't think I should add anything, the fact of listening, empathising, good humour and trying to find solutions, as well as respect and that energy issue is what they have told me on several occasions.

And it is precisely when an energy meets an equal energy, when they absolutely synchronise that a soul can find its twin. On that path of being special to others, one can find one's special, like-minded person, and that has no explanation, it just happens in the craziest ways possible. But it does exist and it is great to find it and to be able to share those moments of unique and inexplicable energetic vibration.

In those moments, there is no time or space, they are just synchronised energies.


There are unique experiences in life that, even if we haven't asked ourselves they come back as an answer to who we are, there is always a mirror.
So thank you always @galenkp, for being able to express our experiences in these great weekend themes.

I send you all a big greeting, wishing you a very good weekend.

All photographs are my own.

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I really like the way you have approached this topic. I was thinking of writing about this... I will see.

I think you are a very kind person who always listens to others. Although I would have to be around you to feel other vibes, based on what you write and what you express, I think you are a great person.


It's nice to listen, you also learn a lot from people and you can help them. I would love to read you on this subject. Thank you very much always!


No te conozco en persona, ni hemos hablado demasiado, pero en tus publicaciones transmites mucha paz y eres muy cuidadosa cada vez que compartes tu opinión, así que concuerdo con tus estudiantes y compañeros de trabajo 🤭 Tus escritos nos dan una ista de lo buena que eres para escuchar lo que otros tienen que decir 😌


I guess I often need someone to listen to me and I know that people need to talk and to talk in confidence. Thank you so much for your beautiful words always, thank you Gloria!😘


Beautiful palm trees and that sun with its rays through them give it a special touch. The subject very well treated by you, and of course you don't have to change to continue being yourself. Although I don't know you personally I recognize just by the fact of how you and I interact, thanks to Hive. I know how caring and noble you are, and how sincere. Life has given you a lot and I believe I am not wrong in saying that it has made you who you are today. A big hug dear @avdesing.🤗🤗🥰


Certainly, life with its things has shaped me and today I am who I am thanks to a lot of self-knowledge. Thank you always for your beautiful words, and for being a beautiful person!😘


It's not easy to be able to get people to like you and the truth is I'm not surprised that it happens to you, given that you have a beautiful gift for relating to people.
Beautiful post dear friend @avdesing, enjoy a lovely afternoon


I also had a very special teacher with me, she was my refuge and even took me to school with fruit when she left, uyyy that gave me a hard time, her absence is always in my mind although I never heard from her again.


We will always have a special teacher.... I have had one too. And we remember her fondly. Thank you Monica!✨


I left it for later to leave a comment on this post, and I almost didn't make it. You have a virtue very scarce in these times, you know how to listen.

You also have more virtues, of course, it shows in what you do that special energy of which you speak.

But I think, because I know you and I know what I'm talking about, that this ability to listen is one of the things that make you a special being.

Good night @avdesing.


What else can I add .... nothing. Thank you very much!!

