A time I wouldn't go back to. (WEEK 215)

"Quality is never an accident, it is always the result of an effort of intelligence. "

-John Ruskiin


It is normal and common, I have seen it in most people, to say that you want to go back to your high school years. In my case it is an experience I would never go back to.

Those were hard, painful years, where the only thing I wanted was to finish the schedule and go home.

At the beginning of those five years of high school, I wasn't that bad, but I always considered myself a freak, I felt like I was over 20, but I was 11 and I didn't fit in. I matured much earlier in my life.

I was applied, very studious, in fact, my life was to study and get good grades. My GPA for my high school years was 9.48.

I studied hard. The teachers loved me, in oral lessons I was the one who always told them the detail of the story that was missing. In most subjects I got A's.

I had a so-called group of friends, but later I realized that they only used me to help them with homework and that I helped them in exams. The teachers knew this and would stand by my side to keep me from stressing out. I didn't like you asking me for the answers to questions.

We would meet at houses, watch movies and go for walks, with this group of "girlfriends."

From that time on, discipline, respect, dedication and constancy were my mottos.

I learned many skills and developed others, such as logic, related thinking, critical thinking on my own and to observe details, self-reliance and effort.

But I suffered a lot of harassment from my female classmates. We were all women, 38 women in the course. When I tell this to people who know me they tell me how is it possible because I am not fat or ugly or anything like that, they look me up and down saying why did you suffer harassment.

Well, because I was different, faithful to the rules, unwavering in my values and principles, because I did not like to dance and many times at parties I was forced and dragged, which made me suffer a lot.

I was harassed because I didn't like things like the others, like the kind of music, making bad jokes to people, because I was right-wing, always on the side of justice. It's just that I wasn't 16 or 17, I felt like I was 30.

Because of my application to study and values the teachers chose me first escort of the papal flag, I was going to a Catholic school. From that moment on the harassment was worse, since I supposedly did not deserve it, my own "friends" spoke badly.

I cried too much at that time and I was very lonely. And I would never go back, never. I just wanted it to end. And when it was over I walked away from that whole group and embarked on a different life, met my best friend and sister in college.

And then, later, in the training courses I met people like me...

But I must admit that that stage made me stronger, forged my mettle and showed me that I can keep my way of thinking and being, that not because my classmates did bad things, I was going to do the same because I was accepted.

Everything in life is there to learn from them, always and I learn every day and for that I am grateful.

Since I saw this topic I did not hesitate, among all the weekend topics that @galenkp proposes us to reflect and tell our life experiences. This was my theme.

I send you all a big greeting and I wish you a very good weekend.

All photographs are my own.

Used translator Deepl.com free version.

Separador Amonet rosa.png


I'm very sorry for everything you had to go through, children tend to be cruel, especially if you are a person who doesn't mess with anyone, or has more intelligence than the rest.
When I was a child I was chubby, and it was a source of ridicule, until I understood that having more weight than the rest was my strength, just by resting my hands on my shoulders they could see that I had a lot of strength, and it was not convenient for them to mess with me.
I appreciate that you shared this experience.
Have a beautiful afternoon dear friend @avdesing


Many times those things become one's strength. It happened to me in a similar way, even though I was very thin, I called myself a ballet dancer. Thank you very much for always being @jlufer 😃


It's horrible what happened to you as a child, boys and girls are bad
The same thing happens at my school, as it is a mixed class, the barons are the ones who make the jokes, at first I told the teacher, that was worse, until my grandfather taught me how to defend myself, and they can't believe what I am like when I Angry, since I am the smallest in height in the grade, it is surprising that being so young I am so brave, I am no longer a reason for ridicule.

Happy Friend's Day @avdesing


I used a lot of indifference and that helped me a lot, even though they wanted to bother me, I knew how it was. Thank you @miprimerconcurso 💗


Everything in life is there to learn from them, always and I learn every day and for that I am grateful.

Well. this amazed me from you. It may be a painful memory but turn it into positive.😊
Thank you for sharing another heartbreaking story with full of lessons.😊


It belongs to the past now I am doing great! But that time was ugly, if it's true I came out stronger. Thank you very much always!💗


Again we have another thing in common, not wanting to go back to those high school years. I had a group of friends also that only used me to help them or do their homework, with the difference that my teachers didn't take my side, they forced me to lend my folder, I hated that, the effort was mine 💔

That made you who you are today, those who make fun of you, is because they are the ones who have the complexes and see in you what they can not be 💪

I am sorry for what you suffered in those years, but they are already in the past and today you are free and full of light 😘


My pair, we look more alike every day. Everything works in this life and it seems we came here to learn that, but then life rewards us by finding people like you!💗


There are things that no one should have to go through, especially not as a child. As you say, those years forged you into the strong woman you are now. They allowed you to test your determination and your mettle.

But I can't stress enough that there are other ways to learn... a big hug @avdesing


Surely there are other ways to learn less hard, it seems that my soul chose that one hahaha.

Thank you very much and good night! See you tomorrow!!!


I wouldn't go back to that stage either...

Lo siento, amiga.


It is already past and experiences, you learn a lot from people. Thank you very much!💗


Yes, children, young people in their innocence and immaturity often engage in extremely cruel acts; they are for me still empty vessels of real feelings.
And it is during this stage that they begin to know what human values are all about.
Only there are "other children, other young people" who usually find them first, and there you were, more focused and more mature than they are.
You were not like them, and they knew it.

Life is difficult for many from an early age.
My embrace to you.


It has been but well I think they were there to teach, you learn a lot. Thank you very much always!!!💗


It's a shame that you go through that and you remember or rather you don't want to remember. How can bullying in schools be eliminated? Not an easy task but possible if we all want to. Interesting topic dear @ a hug and nice Sunday.🥰❤️❤️


Many people, many children and adolescents go through this today, so I wanted to address this issue, how to cope and come out stronger, now, today, many even take drastic decisions in their lives. A lot of education and values should be changed, there should be more respect for those who are different. Thank you as always, thank you!💗
