Spending With A Plan
Today's prompt made me remember my experience about three years ago during the festive season just like this. It was a great year and almost everything went well including my finances and this made me really happy. I had enough to spend and also have a lot saved.
So, I spent a lot on the preparation and celebration. I spent double of the amount I planned on clothes and shoes for my kids. I bought both the things I need and things I don't need just for the sake of shopping.
I spent a lot on traveling and gifts for my parents, siblings, cousins, niece and nephew, forgetting that January is just a few weeks away. When I got home, I still kept spending like a big girl thinking I still have more than enough.
Behold, when the holiday was over, I realized that I had spent all the money I have and more than half of my savings. Now, I still have to transport myself and kids back and some other little expenses.
I became scared. Just the second week of January, I had nothing anymore. I became confused, I didn't know what to do or how to survive, I had to borrow some money from my sister to be able to get along for the remaining part of the month before I could get my salary. That was one of my worse days.
Since then, I made the decision never to be that foolish ever again. After that incident, I learned how important making a budget is.
Making a budget is the first thing I do after planning to embark on anything no matter how little or huge.
I am managing this season on a budget. I already budgeted the amount l will be spending and I have followed through. From decorations to clothes, food, drinks and outings. Everything has been planned and followed.
Another step that I have put in place in order not to go overboard with my spending is not to buy anything not on my list. This is one of the things that have affected me in the past. When I go shopping and see things I like, I just get them. But since I made the rule, I've stopped buying things that are not in my list and this has really helped me spend wisely.
This year, I had to cut the cost of traveling, anytime I travel home, it usually cost me a lot and no matter how hard I try to cut cost I still spend so much. So,I took it out of my list this year and save it for next year.
With the look of things, I have been able to cut down unnecessary spending for this season and I'm very confident that in the coming year, when others are complaining, I would be smiling because I have saved more than what I need for the month.
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate you.
This is my response to hive Learners community weekly featured content week 145 edition 2 on the topic: Check Your Finances
Pictures used are mine
Yours Truly @aunty-tosin 💕💕
Spending indiscriminately during holidays does attract consequences, the funny aspect is that the festive period only last for few weeks but January is usually long, as if extra days was added. I did the same this year, I budgeted every bit of item and activities I was going to get into, which safeguarded from unnecessary expenses or Dorime 😅
That is true oh, as if January is 41 days😂
One just have to be extra careful even with a budget.
Thanks for stopping by.
I can relate. If December is not handled with caution, January becomes a 60 days month. Many people are rocking detty December now, only to pay for it in January, 😂.
That is it oh.
The detty December will make a longer January 😂
I just believe it is always good to have a savings for holidays, because there is no how you want to do it, you will always spend more than what you budget, especially when you are meeting with your siblings you have seen for a very long time. I can relate honestly.
Seriously, that's so true.
When you are not careful, even the savings for holiday will be exhausted 😂