Fasting or Diet?


I have been struggling for a while when a decided to loss weight and fat a month ago, yeah, I have been failed many times on weight and fat losing then I back to do that months later after I failed. Just feel like I am in the loop and can’t jump out of it forever.

But this time I have stronger determination on weight and fat losing as my wife is going to Hong Kong visiting me after 3 years of the outbreak of COVID, we haven’t stick with each other for the Christmas for 3 years, I need to build up a better body cut then spend a good time with her.

Now I go to gym room for exercise 4 days a week, and I stop taking sweet stuff for more than a month, my belly is smaller, my chin is not as round as earlier. Sounds good.

Ended up I decided to diet instead of fasting as fasting make my stomach not feeling well, I simply took some beef and corn plus half of avocado for dinner last night, hopefully I will have six pack very soon.
