What Happened to Quello on the Hive Blockchain? Similar Function Like Leothread?


With Leothreads available it’s now blogging made easy for everyone and it’s also a one of a kind feature on the Hive Ecosystem and Leofinance community. However, somehow I came across an old Hive project called Quello which is kind of similar to Leothread, well, maybe not similar but close and I tried accessing the website but unfortunately it was down so I couldn’t check it out. I threaded a Question if Quello was similar to Leothread but surprisingly some people haven’t heard of it.

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What is/was Quello?

Quello was a decentralised platform built on the Hive blockchain that was developed solely for questions and answers and you can earn rewards, token or crypto on your questions or answers. Quello was more like Quora and not Leothreads because Leothreads is all in one, microblogging, questions and answers etc.

So the question is, what happened to it?

Well, I don’t really know exactly what happened to it, maybe it was abandoned or cancelled because as at 2020 it was still a new project which had hopes of growth. I believe Quello would have performed better if it was released now because there are lot of people on the Hive ecosystem now compare to 2020 and trust me there are lots of questions to be asked and people ready to answer them now.


So in case you haven’t heard about Quello there it is and you can also check out their profile on Twitter to clear doubts Twitter Profile. The last tweet from the account was saying they will be back soon and it was made September 3, 2021.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
