Engaging on Social Media vs. Engaging on Hive: One looks easy the other Challenging (#Leothreads easy way out)



Engaging in Hive

I have noticed that on Hive engagements come naturally to some people not because it’s mandatory but because they choose to and for some, it’s purely based on answers to their posts. Whereas on social media engagements are done easily just for the fun of it and you aren’t earning from it but for Hive where you gain rewards on engagements it’s challenging.

People keep wondering why they don’t have followers or friends on Hive and why their post keeps getting low rewards every time, the truth is, there’s something they are probably missing out and that’s engaging/commenting on others' posts because when you do, it’s a way of encouraging others and also promoting yourself on Hive platform and with that, you can gain friends and they also visit your profile too to engage and you gain rewards.

However, engagement is something that doesn’t come naturally to everyone, there are different ways or reasons people engage on Hive and they are;

  • They can relate to the post
  • To boost their reputation or Profile
  • They want to make friends and followers for them to also engage on their posts
  • For rewards
  • Because they will post in the next few minutes or hours
  • And for some, it’s just natural

Some reasons people find it hard to engage on Hive

  • Maybe they can’t relate to the post
  • If they can relate to it maybe they got bored because it was too long
  • They forget
  • Hive is not like other social media with Memes, Skits, or Pictures - with few words or
  • Maybe just pride

Engaging Made Easy

With #Leothreads out now engaging should be difficult anymore for anyone because you can microblog and also get to see short posts you can easily relate to and respond to as you like, you can #thread pictures, Memes, short articles etc. In doing so, you get to also promote yourself and increase your reputation and don’t forget, to make a lot of friends too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah true, they're times when I'm so eager to engage and I come online only to find posts I can't relate to or that are boring.. sometimes I just let pop up messages from whatsapp take away my attention and it's not nice but I can't control it at times...

I think I need to read more about the #leothreads because I still don't really get the full picture...
