Splinterlands Art Contest

Hiii guys~~ ^^
Here’s my drawing for the splinterlands Art contest. For this week, I drew portrait of “Fungus Flinger”.
I really like drawing the female version of the characters or turning creatures into humans. And this time I chose “Fungus Flinger” and turned it into a beautiful girl.
First I started with sketching a beautiful girl with big eyes and lips. I drew them bigger on purpose to make her look baby face because the creature in the card has a baby figure. I also drew one of the mushroom as her hat.

I like the color pallet I used for painting her skin. Pink and yellow had a good harmony.

Then I went on coloring her hair and the mushrooms. Coloring her hair and adding the details took the most times. You know, drawing lots of hair strands always takes a lot of time but it’s worth it~ :D

In the end I painted the background green and then added lots of lights to make it look magical~ ^^

Original Pic

Hope you liked it~~ ^^
