Wat Chaiyamangalaram Thai Buddhist Temple



What an extraordinary trip, there is something I forgot about Penang, namely the air is quite hot and the sun is shining on all sides of this city. Obviously, Penang, which comes from the name Pulau Pinang, is on an island that is slightly different from the city of Kuala Lumpur. This is really a small island that is densely populated.

On the one hand, this city is very attractive because it is surrounded by beaches, there are beaches in every corner and the air is very fresh. The wind always blows even though the air is very hot, so just by taking shelter in a tree the heat will disappear and it will be very cool.

This was an extraordinary adventure for me because I really enjoyed riding the bicycle that I rented. There are many shops here that provide rental services for motorbikes and bicycles. I chose to rent a bicycle because I saw on the map that this city was enough to use a bicycle and I could have an adventure. One of them is the place I visited this time.

Wat Chaiyamangalaram Thai Buddhist Temple

Wat Chaiyamangalaram Thai Buddhist Temple, is one of the tourist destinations that I accidentally discovered while riding my bicycle. I saw lots of cars and vehicles passing in front of the gate so I was very curious. It's not bad that you don't have to pay an entrance fee because this place is provided free for everyone without exception. This is a place of worship in Penang. One of the famous Buddhist temples in this city. So, I felt like I was in a Thai city.


I entered with modest clothing even though I was wearing a hijab, but this is one of the conditions for entering this place. obviously because this is a place of worship for Buddhists and you have to respect it. This temple is very large with many different angles and its architecture is definitely different from other temples.

With the dominant color red, this temple looks very harmonious with all existing shapes. One side that I like is the 3 dragons lined up at the entrance to welcome people who come. The two sides of the road that lead to the temple entrance are wide and large enough to accommodate many people coming. Apart from the dragon, there are several Buddha statues lined up on the sides and that makes this place look very sacred.




The vibe in this place is also very strong, there are lots of people coming but it's not noisy with people shouting. Everyone was very appreciative and many people came even though they didn't worship and took photos with some of the statues. I captured a short moment here and took some photos that I can save in my hive.



Don't just touch the statue to respect it. You can only enjoy it by looking very kindly and politely. The most important thing is to maintain politeness in a place like this.


Inside the room, there is a sleeping Buddha statue like in the Wat Arun temple, but this is not as big as the one in Bangkok city. In front of the sleeping Buddha statue there are several statues lined up and they are also used for praying. Some of them are made of silver or gold plated. It looks very sturdy and even tends to resemble a real human from the details.





There are also several other interesting Buddha statues and each statue has its own prayer provisions. Behind the sleeping Buddha statue there are also many other statues. lined up and some of them have different shapes. Apart from that, inside there are also several urns with dust inside which are places of pilgrimage, with photos and identities. There were so many jars and I thought these were important people like him.




See you the next time hive friends!

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Annyeong yorobun! Welcome to wita’s corner. Author is a full time housewife who loves to eat while writing. Enthusiasm to gardening and cooking. Like the exploration of new things and have many dream is unlimited. Always vote and give suggestions to advance this author.

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Beautiful temple, the colors and decorations must transmit a peace inside 🌸 Have a nice day friend!


Thanks for stopping by, dear❤️


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