Some Healthy Tips about Diet and Exercise that the doctor will not tell you.

Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. Health is a big blessing of God for both animals as well as humans. The disruption in the smooth state of the body is called Disease. Now it is our responsibility to keep ourselves healthy because A sound body has a sound mind. Many factors can disturb the smooth state of the body, including our diet, drinks, exercise, etc. We need to keep a balance in all these factors if we want to live longer on this planet. There should be a limitation and schedule for everything, especially about our Diet and exercise. Without a synchronous schedule, we can't maintain a healthy decorum in our body.

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Health Secrets about Diet

Diet is directly related to our Digestive System. This system starts from the Oesophagus and Ends in the Large Intestine. This whole system has many sensitive organs as well as many tubular organs whose health depends on our intake. In these organs, God has fixed many glands that are specialized for the digestibility of each basic feed content. You can take more protein in the form of meat and more fat in the form of butter and cheese, but it will directly affect our digestive organs. Your body cells will accumulate more fat and you will face obesity. Similarly, if you are taking Malnutrition then you will face scurvy and other weaknesses. Hence, I have come up with some health secrets that will help you to build a healthy lifestyle.

  • During taking any feed or liquid content into our body, we make assure about the hygiene condition. If food has a foul smell or is bad or the liquid has small particles we should not engulf them

  • We should take a limited amount of feed, having 3 Kilo Calories per day while the water requirement is 3.7 Liters per day because we can't exceed this limit

  • After taking feed, we should take a mandatory walk so that our organs can digest this feed content before we sleep

  • We should not take daily junk or fast food. If we take monthly burger or pizza then it is not bad

  • We should be careful while taking external energy boosters to make our body fit and healthy. Many of these energy boosters are carcinogenic

  • Last but not least, there should be a strict schedule for taking each meal

  • We should avoid taking food from Hotels or Restaurants because most of the restaurants don't maintain hygienic conditions

Although Diet is essential for our survival either any imbalance in diet or any unhealthy diet will make a big trouble for us. More than 90% of health issues arise in our bodies due to diet problems. Cholerae and Food Poisoning can be lethal and are enough to expire one person within seconds.

Exercise and Health

After keeping a balance in our diet, we should be careful about our physical activities. To be fit and good-looking, we should add some exercises to our schedule. To save themselves from body shame, different people like to do different exercises. My favorite ones are Gym, Cycling, and Morning Walk. There are following healthy benefits of doing exercise.

  • Exercise directly affects our Cardiovascular System and increases its efficiency
  • A person can manage his or her weight effectively
  • To strengthen our Skeletal System, It makes muscles and bones stronger. An athlete has more Immunity than a sluggish person
  • It lessens stress, helps in good sleep, and saves us from mental disturbances
  • It saves us from many acute and chronic diseases
  • It improves efficiency and Quality of Life

We should include any exercise in our life. For a healthy and successful life, we can't spend our days and nights without it. I like to do many Exercises on a weekly and daily basis.

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What is more effective?

Different people have different perspectives about the benefits of a balanced diet and healthy exercise. We can't keep ourselves healthy if we are eating healthy meals and omit exercise. Similarly, sole exercise can't do anything when we are not eating healthy meals. We need to take a balance between Exercise and Food. Body shame is a big issue nowadays. People nowadays take too many calories in their diet and become obese. Keep this: remember that obesity is known as the mother of diseases. Hence, when we are taking preventative measures about high calories in our diet and energy boosters in drinks, we not only save ourselves from body shame but also from many diseases. We should focus on our Exercises as well as on our diet. We should know what we are taking inside our body and what effects it will have on our body. If you can afford a Dietitian, then you must take a consultancy.

Final Thoughts

The balance and Harmony in life are the reasons for longevity and survival on earth for Human Beings. There is no need to become an athlete if we don't have time. We should focus on a healthy and balanced diet and also engage in exercise in what we like and what we can afford according to our availability of time. There was a time when I kept myself busy playing Cricket, doing Gym, and Cycling; I was happy with my smart body. After leaving all sports and games, I'm now facing obesity, which is a body shame for me. Although I have controlled my weight and obesity still there is much needed improvement. I'm hopeful to improve things in the future. I'm a person who likes to take a monthly diet after consulting with a Dietitian. My coach has recommended me to make a good schedule for exercise as well. I'm happy that I have controlled my overweight early; otherwise, I would have to face many difficulties in the future. I did my best to justify all things clearly about the importance of a Healthy and Balanced diet. Also, I tried to explain the benefits of sports games for the body. If we want to have a happy, healthy, and successful life, please don't ignore what I have mentioned above. Thanks!

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These are great tips for keeping ourselves fit and healthy.


Exactly if we want to keep ourselves smart and healthy, these tips will help you a lot.


These are very good tips sir, in as much as they are hard to follow and abide by but one who manages to do this will stay healthy.


He will stay healthy and beautiful beleive me if he will act upon them.


Thank you for these tips and I'm happy that you were able to control your weight and stay fit. Thank you for sharing with us.


Yeah although it was hard but I successfully did it. Thank you for great comment.


Really great tips to stay healthy, thanks for sharing.


I agreed to your perspective that eating healthy and hygienic food can improve your lifestyle at the same time burning excessive calories through exercise can help you to maintain an excellent metabolism and effective breathing rate. One must adopt any of my them to keep the diseases away as fitness Is key goal to survive in these days. Blessings 💓


WoW! @ayesha-malik is on my blog ❤️ with good and brief comments. I believe on exercise instead of using drugs to keep my body smart. Thank you dude for visiting.


Haha if I do see people's work , it's my laziness which doesn't allow me to come forward to give them a big hand 😁
