Simple Tips and Tricks for Magical Increase in Read Ratio


Read Ratio is the main Scale for the measurement of Quality and Quantity in a post. It is the backbone of blogging that is a key to success for bloggers.

After joining a Content Writing Platform where there is a need to learn how to earn through blogging, there is also a need to learn about Read Ratio. It is a relationship between your fans and your content.

Screenshot from Author's Medium Account

If you have more interesting content, then you will find more sincere fans who will value each masterpiece. I've been a blogger on Publish0X and Hive for more than one year, and I'm earning a Handsome Earning through these platforms. After joining Medium Platform, I came to realize the importance of viewers and readers. Hence I have decided to share some Simple tips and Tricks that are helping me to increase my read ratio gradually.


Image by Lukasbeiri from Pixabay

1. Game-Changer Engagement

The Engagement between Authors, Viewers, and Readers is essential for growing either on the Web2 or Web3 Platform. We daily need to scroll and read several posts from the best, average, and good authors. We read and learn from their posts. Additionally, we should compare ourselves with their posts. If anything is difficult to understand, you must ask about it by commenting. Moreover, we need to suggest improvement if we know better; otherwise, we must appreciate authors and publications. This whole engagement circles around making new fans and getting new fans that will do the same on your post. Instead of wasting time sharing your post link in Social Applications and begging for votes, adopt the above magical Engagement tools that will surely help you.

2. After Quantitative Analysis, must do a Qualitative Analysis

Our word count no doubt matters a lot but it is the Quality that has dominance over Quantity. Nowadays, they are our ideas, stories, and inventions that attract a traffic of viewers. We get viewers but we need readers that are real investors. Why someone will read our post? Surely when we have something beneficial for them. Something unique that only be got from our post. We can check errors by Grammarly, score our headings by Free Online Heading Analytics Tools, and seek unique words by Keywords Planner. Several AI tools can improve the Quality of our posts. When Quality is improved, people find solutions from our posts. They not only read but also appreciate us.

3. Much Needed Simplicity

Language should not be a barrier to the smooth flow of information between authors and readers. When there is a need for Quality and engagement, there is a need for Simple Language. English can be fluent for us but not for everyone. We need to write each post in simple and understandable wording. There is no need to write your story in difficult Ideas and tough phrases. Adopt simplicity and tell your story in flow.

A story or blog written in a sample language gets more traffic from readers. More readers will definitely increase your read ratio and it will directly increase your earnings.


Image by StartupstockPhotos from Pixabay

Final Thoughts

Nowadays online Earning through Content Creation is very easy. We can earn a few cents from many platforms. To be a professional and full-time blogger, we need to adopt the above tips and tricks. We should never ignore the read ratio, and it will be our focus. After joining Medium, I not only improved the Quality of my content but also now like to check my headline score as well as use simple and attractive words that will add good taste to my narrative. If you are blogger then must work on read ratio to earn good income from this field. Thanks!

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