Paddling Through Life


Hello Cycling Community! Welcome to my blog. There are many similarities between life and cyclist riding. We all are spending our lives like a Cyclist Ride. During our ride on the Cycle, we can learn many things. Life is useless without a destination. If our paddling can't help us to reach our destination, then it is useless. We should strive for success and never stop paddling in life.


Image by Canva

Who is Successful Rider?



Of course, a cycle rider will be successful if his cycle is in good condition, he is aware of his journey, and he will be able to ride on bumps and jumps on the road. Like turns and twists on the road, our life also passes through different stages and trails. We need consistency and determination in cycling as well as in life. If someone is cycling fast, there will be great chances for its failure. We need to focus on our track as we need to focus on our lives. There is no need to give extra jerks while cycling. We need to ride slowly but steadily. We should be calm while cycling as we need calmness in life when making decisions.

Final Thoughts

Being a Cyclist, I love to relate this sport with many other things. A cyclist's journey is more beautiful if he knows how to ride. Similarly, this world is heaven for us if we know how to live a happy life. If a Cyclist's mind is under stress, then he surely will not win a cycling competition; similarly, if we are under stress, then we can't expect leisure in life. Moreover, we need to keep our cycle neat and clean for a wonderful journey; similarly, cleanliness is needed for the purification of our souls. Sometimes our track can be difficult to ride but sometimes our track can be easy. There is nothing permanent either it is life sadness or it is life pleasure. We need to tackle everything with a calm mind.
