Behind The Curtain: Understanding The Rise and Influence of Conspiracy Theories


Conspiracy Theories have the power to change the direction of society. They are considered to be toxic if they persist for a long time. They came into existence either due to the wrong belief system or due to people's fears. Sometimes, we have to support people's conspiracies, and sometimes, we have to accept the real facts. In either case, we should investigate and analyze things happening around us.

"We have to challenge lies. We have to challenge falsehoods and conspiracy theories. If you don't, they fester - unchecked and unchallenged."

~ Brianna Keillor


Image by Buitenaards on Pixabay

Due to Advances in Technology, any false news takes just a few seconds to spread globally. It has an impact on people's minds as well as leaves some bad impressions in Society. It can spread into Conspiracy Theories.

Skepticism & Conspiracy

When Wrong Beliefs become part of Normalisation in a Society, they become too hard to remove. They no doubt not only harm the general public but also affect the Research and Education System in a country. When I was a kid, I read and made myself aware of several belief systems and Conspiracy Theories by people.

  1. I learned that there was a time when people liked to drink water from Marshy Areas as a treatment for Malaria
  2. Atom is the smallest particle that can't be further divided
  3. If we shall keep the feathers of Peacocks in the walls of our house, it will attract blessings from God
  4. Pyramids in Egypt are the source for balancing Earth
  5. Bermuda Triangle is the place where devil is caged

Today, I've decided to share one of the Conspiracy Theories that once was a big source of fear in my neighbourhood. It is all about Earthquake, a natural Disaster nothing else. People forced me to believe that Earthquake is the result of changing the position of Earth's plates by Oxen. Oxen had the power to lift the earth on its horns. When ox becomes fatigued, they change the position of the earth from one horn to another. When this happens, Earthquake results.


Image by Alefolsom on Pixabay

It was one of the painful Conspiracy Theories that was installed into my mind by my Grandfather. I could remember the days of my life when any ox appeared in front of me I became frightened. All kids of my age have the same intensity of fears about oxs like me.

When I studied Earthquake details in the 4th Grade, then, I came to know how wrong I was about this belief system. I tried to eradicate this Conspiracy Theory, but I failed because it was hard to remove their rigidity. After more research, I read a lot about Plates of Earth and Chemistry of Earthquake then I was able to convince my Grandfather as well as my friend's parents. Now no one will link Earthquake with Oxs. I'm happy with this success.

Final Thoughts

When there is the evolution of the Conspiracy Theory, we need to investigate it immediately. We need to save our society from its harmful impacts. It brings negativity into society. We can eradicate these sorts of theories by updating our research and education. I'm hopeful I can play a positive role in the eradication of Conspiracy Theories from society. Are you ready to play your role as well? Share your experience with these sorts of theories; it will be fun to exchange information. Thanks!

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You know such conspiracy theories are also in my mind..I also used to keep peacock feather in my book thinking that one day it will become a whole peacock( how dumb I used to be 😂)


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Lols!! Who don't want a full peacock, 🦚 I guess no one 🤣🤣🤣

It's just same way they made us believe that by eating chicken head, one become so intelligent. 🤣🦚
