My bit by bit life journey to a goal of post every single day on hive


Image by storyset on Freepik

How many of us go to bed every night with the determination that from tomorrow I must do this and that, but when we wake up in the morning, everything changes and we can't do what we had planned. What can one do in a situation like this, thinking that it must be done tomorrow for sure, we give up today. This is called setting goals but not working towards them. If we set our mind to something, we should always travel towards it, no matter how small it is, the effort should never stop.

For example, I used to write at least one post a day on the hive blog, but due to some unavoidable reasons, I couldn't do it. It's been about two to three months and I haven't written a single post on the hive. I didn't stop because I couldn't do it for so many days, I started writing posts again yesterday thinking about it everyday. That one little post brought me so much joy. Because yesterday I was able to start something that I have been thinking about for days. This is like a small step towards my goal. I am not saying that I will definitely write a post a day from now on, but I feel like I am a little closer to my desire to write a post every day. I may not write again for a few days in my destination, but I will continue to work on what I think.

Earlier I used to write exactly one post a day no matter how hard it was, but with time it slowed down. At first the hurdles I experienced were what should I post today and what should I write about. At first I used to write about something, then after few days I started writing different opinions on the same subject due to the encouragement of some people in hive. I am grateful for their encouragement. Yesterday's post made me realize one thing that we can stop in the middle of what we think but not stop. That's why I started writing posts on hive again. I can't say that I will definitely write one post a day in the future as well, but I can definitely say that I will not stop trying. Doing this gives me a little bit of joy, because small achievements like this give peace of mind.

Effort in our life never stops, it is a continuous process. By setting aside some time in our daily activities, we can do what we want to do. Whenever something gets in the way, give it a little gap and try again later. That comes to a conclusion. A fresh mind can also detect mistakes that were not seen before. There is another aspect of achieving our goal, which is that if we think of our goal as a single task and devote all our time to it, the results will come faster. If you feel that your goal is not to be achieved in a year, it is a daily development, then it is better that you try for it daily.

If you found any inconsistency in my grammer or sentence formation, it's because first i wrote my thoughts in my native language in google translate and then convert it into english. Thanks for understanding.
