Shinaara FanArt | Holozing


Hey beautiful peeps ๐Ÿ˜

How are you all I hope you are well.

I'm going to make one of the new characters from the Holozing community that just come tomorrow I'm really excited to make, so I've made a female version of shinara for a change.

I chose shinara character from the Holozing community the extended version of nara having colorful leaves and body its indicating grass type and i love it from the time i see it.

Original character


At the start of the outline I shaped her face and her eyes and nose.

Then I started doing the open hair of the female

Between the hairs I constructed her big ears and also made her lower body.

Here shinara outline is complete. In this outline I have made her hair, her ears are along with the hair. I have made flowers and leaves on top of the hair because it is a grass type, I have built it like this to indicate this grass type shinara female as well she looks colorful in this way.

I started coloring with the most colorful part of her, which I mean the flowers and leaves on her head. I colored the flowers in pink because that's the color that's also present in the original character.

I choose green as background color behind her original hairs.

This is basic form of her hair colors i want to color them into the brown but before completing them i am moving towards her facial features.

In this step, i made her yellow eyes with coloring her face and ears making her nose more prominent now she is looking better.

Here i color her shirt into green because of her grass type nature.

This is last click with her done hairs and fixed background.

I hope you like it. Here is the overall look. Do share your feedback in the comment section below.

Stay tuned stay blessed

Allah Hafiz ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ™

0.083 NEOXAG