Hiking trip at Mushkpuri track


We all need a big break from our daily life and wanted to go in nature to spend sometime while hugging the nature.

Days back i got the chance to have a trip towards the beautiful area of Pakistan with my classmates, this trip was really an unforgettable experience for me, because i have never been out of my home for a whole week and it was my first time that's why i was so excited.

We have actually went to Islamabad and from there we drive for Muree in morning and went back to the Islambad at night because we have booked a hotel in Islamabad.

So the best period in our one week trip is the time when we have went for the hiking, we have went to the Mukeshpuri mountain through the mushpuri track.

The track was of almost 2 hours straight walk that's why there are few people who was there with their horses, they can help you see the whole track on the horse but we were here to get hiking experience and we want to walk this track on our own that's why non of us took the horses.

In starting of the i have really loved this place as i have thought there is road in all the track and we can easily walk this trac.

We have just started walking towards the track. The view was really heart warming and attractive and i was really excited to reach the peak point.

Ther were a little of snow too in the track which was making it more memorable and fun.

The snow on the track was making it slippery for us to walk but still i was loving the snow because it is making everything peacful and clean.

I have also captured some of pictures there with my friends to capture the memories of me and my friends. The background in our back was really beautiful which makes our pictures really good.

The most funny moment is when my friend just lost his balance while posing for photos and i have captured his funny photos at that time. All my friends were laughing so hard on his slip but he was looking cute even after falling.

Then we have went forward and kept walking on the track. One of my friend just stopped walking and started drawing something on the snow, all of us were curious about what he is going to make and he has made a heart and wrote M and A in the heart. I was so shocked to see him writing my name with his but later another boy exposed he has a girlfriend with the name starts from A. It was so funny i wasn't expecting this from him

People says it all true that nature makes you fresh and happy from inside and you enjoy all the things in your surroundings. Same happened with me i have really loved the things in my surroundings because nature was already sparkling its magic on me. Also the view at my surroundings makes it supper amazing.

All the things were fine but how can we enjoy our track without some chill snacks, I'm not a big fan of chew gum that mostly people eat while doing hiking but i really like eating something interesting that's why i have bought something sweet for me and my friends.

In this track i have really get obsessed with the nature and beauty of the surroundings. I was not been in these areas for so long that's why i wasn't expecting this area of Pakistan to be damn beautiful and attractive. Especially with a little snow on it.

There was a place where i have really felt myself in forest because the trees in my surroundings were really huge like we see in the forest. It was making the track little scary but still i have enjoyed it because everything was so magically beautiful.

It was beautiful but scary at the same time, no doubts nature is really great and admiring.

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After passing half of the track i have really got so tired maybe because i rarely walk this much on my daily routine. That's why we have just found a little comfortable sitting area and sit there for taking a break.

Even it was a sunny day we really felt ourselves getting freezed because of snow. The temperature and weather there was making me really confused. But it was funny to enjoy snow in sun.

And finally we have got to the peak of the track it was a really a great relief for us to know that we have done walking till the peak but still we have to go back down to the place where our mates and teachers were waiting for us. The view at the peak was really superb.

So after staying here for few minutes we have packed our bags again and started going down from the peak.

Walking downward was easy for us and also easy because we were happy because we'll get rest after going down.

After reaching down i have sat in a corner and my friend was capturing my photos without my knowledge. He told me i was looking very mature in these images and also it's looking like I'm thinking of plan to make a brand new Pakistan 😂😂

In the end i have noticed a really beautiful house, and i really felt that how lucky this man will be whose hous is this, he can enjoy a walk in nature at any timein his daily routine.

Also we have found this tree, this tree is little expensive... I have got to know about this tree by watching Pushpaa movie, in that movie he smuggles the wood of this tree so i have also captured this,🤣

And then after walking for hours we have went back to our hotel and seriously today the tea and bed was looking really so beautiful. I have never find this comfort in a cup of tea and on a bed where 4 people were sleeping 🤪🤣

And that's all about my hiking trip towards Mushpuri peak. I have really enjoyed it alot and wanted to experience it again in my life, maybe in summers hehehe.

Allah hafiz...

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