Utilize The Range in Briar Patch Ruleset


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Heyyy yooooo
what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using my scholar account in Balthazar guild. And since playing scholar account so that mean the battle is in Diamond Modern Format League.In this battle i want to share how to manage the combination ruleset that can make the battle very hard especially when we cannot use the opportunity monster in order having ruleset that can give back damage especially to melee monster that is Briar Patch. But, say no more i think i got the solution. Let's see what i am trying to do to arrange my line up.



Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Briar Patch lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is All units receive the Thorns ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that use melee attacks receive damage back.Damage returned is equal to damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.Melee attack units with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage from thorns.The Amplify ability increases damage. So we just need to avoiding using Melee monster especially when the melee monster does not having Reflection Shield ability. So the choice is just 2. Using range monster or Magic monster. It will be hard choice to make especially when yoh just having limited card in your deck. But, lets see what i can do it to arrange with the limited choice in this deck.


Strategy Phase

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As you can see in the picture above this battle have 3 ruleset and this ruleset is very complete each other, connected and make it to be a hard choice. The first ruleset is Up To Eleven that means all monster will have amplify ability and the second ruleset is Explosive Weaponry that means all monster will having blast ability and after giving damage will give splash damage to adjacent units. And the last one but not least that is Briar Patch that means all monster will having thorns ability. And this ruleset also connected with up to Eleven ruleset. Thorns effect combined with Amplify ability will be perfect and also make the choice to arrange need to be careful. Because it is sounds like trap especially combined with Explosive Weaponry ruleset.The manacap that can be used in this battle is 58 which is pretty much this time. And the only element that cannot be used in this battle is just Fire element. So either opponent using Life monster that having General Bosun that having very good stats and having Reflection Shield ability or using Water element utilize the Tide Bitter combined with high speed damage. I am thinking if i am having good card in Rebellion and Chaos edition, i will choose Life element instead Water element since in Life there is one soulbound that having taunt and martyr effect called Iziar also in Life element have Adelade Brightwing that can resurrect team mates monster that died. And dont forget in Life there is plenty magic monster that having great status too instead in water that just counted to Djinn Oshannus. I think it will be hard if dealing with Life element this time.But,the good news i found a way to this combination of ruleset even though with the limited choice in my deck cards, so you can see what my strategy in the table below

Summoner-1 Health Void Shatter abilityI am thinking that the opponent will utilize the magic attack if having combination ruleset like that, so Let's say opponent will not using any melee damage because of Briar Patch ruleset. So it will make the magic monster type attack will be the first choice in this battle instead using range monster that need to break armor first. So thats why i am preparing for magic monster type by using this summoner. And if opponent using range monster i think it can be targeting to my Taunt monster Mycelic Slipspawn that having forcefield ability that can compress any attack from 5 above.
Frontline Tanker Mycelic Infantry is pretty suitable as a frontline tanker in this case, If opponent still using melee monster for frontline tanker, this monster can blocking enemy move with melee monster because this monster having shield ability that can compress any melee and range monster. So basically combined with Immortalis this monster having complete set of defence. This monster can compress any type attack from opponent. Especially when combined with Briar Patch ruleset that can give this monster thorns ability also. And if opponent using monster that having 10+ manacost it will be a great feed for this monster with giant killer ability. And when this monster rage after got damage the melee attack will doubled too.
Attacker and Tanker Okay many player underestimete this monster, but really dont, in my opinion this monster is trully beast, because if the timing is right, it will be hard to defeat this monster after got scavenger the monster that dies because the health will increases continuously. And dont forget this monster also having poison ability that can make opponent get poison status and hasten opponent death. Also 4 range damage is pretty good too that will make still giving high damage if opponent using monster that having forcefield ability.
Heal & Debuff Support Even though i know that Mycelic Infantry is strong but still need to prepare for the worst, it is still need healing support and this monster also having silence ability that can make opponent magic attack type monster got debuffed. And if the tanker is full of buff. This monster is pretty great choice because this monster having dispel ability that can reset all the buff to nothing. And with that opponent will doing useless act buffing just one monster only. And if opponent having healing ability for frontline tanker or taunt monster, this monster also having affliction ability that can prohibitted any heal to the monster that get the affliction status.
Support Buff Queen Mycelia is needed in my strategy in order to give healing support to my taunt monster Mycelic Slipspawn with triage ability. So my taunt monster can holding and survive longer. And all my team mates will get 2 additional armor if opponent using melee monster or range monster to handle my strategy. And yeah i will not let opponent having armor too so using this can be very useful to make opponent armor gone by rust ability.
Support Attacker Bringing Supply Runner to this battlefield is pretty good too, because this monster will giving strengthen ability and adding 1 health buff to my team mates. But, for the swiftness i think it pretty useless because when talking about using nature monster element there are many monster that i used is slowest. Yeah many having speed just 1 speed. So maybe it will give a little advantage for swiftness. But, yeah this monster can attack first and giving opponent line up hard time with splashing damage cause by this monster right.
Taunt Tanker Mycelic Slipspawn is the key in my strategy because this monster have taunt ability that can make all monster that not having reach and place in second position also the frontline tanker will attacking this monster first. And this monster having forcefield ability that can compress any damage from 5 above. So if opponent focusing on destroy my line up using opportunity and having buff damage that make the attack above 5 it will useless when hit this monster. And because fire element cannot be used in this battle so no more scattershot ability.

So this is my strategy. I know that in other element it is very rare monster that having scattershot ability, maybe just Chaos Dragon that i need to scare of, having high magic damage and scattershot ability also blast ability. But, other than that, i think the other element having few monster that having scattershot ability. So i dont need to worry about using my Mycelic Slipspawn as a key monster in my strategy. So lets see how the battle going then, lets see the battle phase.


Battle Phase


Okay this time i am encountered with player that using Grandmaster Rathe, and lets see opponent line this time

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As i expected opponent still using melee monster that is General Bosun the rare monster that having great status and great ability. Fortunately i am expecting that happens so hinder it with using Mycelic Infantry that having shield ability. So i think when looking in opponent line up, opponent focused on 3 monster that can breaking my line up

General Bosun as a frontline tanker that can break my Frontline tanker. With this much melee attack it will easily defeat my frontline tanker if i dont prepare monster with shield ability and having high amount of health. Especially this monster also having high speed so range monster will having high chance to miss to attacking this monster. And this monster also cannot be hit by splash damage from blast ability that got from the Explosive Weaponry ruleset,

of course that opponent will using Iziar too as the main monster that can giving buff to adjacent units after this monster got defeated. So, if this monster got defeated opponent adjacent unit get advantage and if this monster not died so it is surely the opponent break my line up correctly. Especially looking that opponent bring Adelade Brightwing as support that can resurrect this monster after defeated. It will make adjacent units get 2 buff after this monster got defeated twice. Thats why i am bringing Goblin Psychic that having dispel ability that can reset opponent buff.

And yeah this monster is absolutely usefull because having double strike ability that can make my taunt monster overwhelmed. Because the forcefield will be very useless when encountered with this monster. And it will be have 4 damage total from range attack only. But this monster have weakness when encountered with my Mycelic Infantry because my frontline tanker having shield ability. It will compress the range damage by shield ability.
Okay without further ado again lets see how the battle begin

Round 1 Part 1

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Okay because every round have many movement so i will divided to be 2 part every round until round 4 or 5. So as usual in round 1 both parties got buff and debuff from both summoners and monsters. In this battle my team got

  • Void and Shatter ability from my Summoner Immortalis
  • 1 Speed Debuff from opponent Venator Kinjo ability Slow
  • 2 Armor Buff from my Queen Mycelia ability Protect
  • 1 Speed Buff from my Supply Runner ability Swiftness
  • 1 Health Buff from my Supply Runner ability Strengthen

In opponent side they got

  • 1 Armor Buff from opponent Summoner Grandmaster Rathe
  • Void Armor and Amplify ability from opponent Summoner Grandmaster Rathe
  • 1 Health Buff from opponent Djinn Renova ability Strengthen
  • 1 Speed Buff from opponent Adelade Brightwing ability Swiftness
  • 1 Magic attack Debuff from my Goblin Psychic ability Silence
  • 2 Armor Debuff from my Queen Mycelia ability Rust
  • 1 Speed Debuff from my Mycelic Slipspawn ability Slow

After buff and debuff this part show that my Supply Runner attacking first and gives 3 damage to opponent Iziar but the adjacents units between Iziar both having Reflection Shield ability so the splash damage from blast ability wont work this time. And then my Venari Seedsmith attacking Iziar and gives poison status yet the splash damage still won't work. Then Iziar moves second attacking my Mycelic Slipspawn but cannot gives damage because of the Void ability, and the splash damage either.
After that Djinn Renova heal Iziar and gives damage to both my Mycelic Slipspawn and Supply Runner. And lets continue the battle in round 1 part 2

Round 1 part 2

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Round 1 still continue after Djinn Renova attack then Mycelic Slipspawn attacking Iziar and gives damage then General Bosun cleanse it self and attacking hit my Mycelic Infantry and yeah the damage is very great fortunately my Armor still can holding General Bosun attack. And the Thorns effect did not work either because the Reflection Shield ability. But the splash damage make my Venari Seedsmith lost the armor.Then Adelade Brightwing attacking my Mycelic Slipspawn and gives just 1 damage because Void ability and gives nothing to Supply Runner.Then Drybone Raider attacking Mycelic Slipspawn and the second attack just gives the damage and Supply Runner armor also broke after the second attack. Then Queen Mycelia healing Mycelic Slipspawn then attacking Iziar but cannot gives damage because of the void ability. Then Goblin Psychic attacking Iziar and just gives 1 damage and dispeling Iziar buff. Then the last is my Mycelic Infantry succesfully hit General Bosun and break the armor and gives high damage to Iziar because General Bosun cost 10 manacost and activate Mycelic Infantry Giant Killer ability.

Round 2 Part 1

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In Round 2 Iziar get poison damage and died by poison damage then activated Adelade Brightwing Resurrect ability to rising Iziar again, but before that the martyr effect activated too and make General Bosun and Venator Kinjo got buff from martyr ability.Then Supply Runner defeated Iziar once again and make General Bosun and Venator Kinjo once again got buff from Martyr ability. Then General Bosun attacking my Mycelic Infantry and gives a huge damage, thanks to shield ability that can reduce some of damage. But the splash damage give great impact to my Venari Seedsmith, Fortunately Venari Seedsmith got additional 2 HP from Iziar death. Then my Venari Seedsmith attacking General Bosun but just hit the armor and shattered it. Also my Venari Seedsmith gives poison effect to General Bosun. Then Djinn Renova hit my Mycelic Slipspawn. That every moves in round 2 part 1 lets continue in part 2

Round 2 Part 2

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After Djinn Renova attacking my Mycelic Slipspawn then its my Mycelic Slipspawn turns to attack and gives damage to General Bosun and make General Bosun health leaving by 6. Then Adelade Brightwing repair General Bosun armor and attacking my Mycelic Slipspawn and gives 1 damage. Then Drybone Raider attacking my Mycelic Slipspawn twice and total gives 4 damage to Mycelic Slipspawn and 2 damage to Supply Runner. This time Mycelic Infantry miss attacking General Bosun. Then Queen Mycelia healing Mycelic Slipspawn and attacking General Bosun and shattered the armor. Then my Goblin Psychic healing Mycelic Infantry and then attacking General Bosun and dispelling all the buff and reset it.

Round 3 Part 1

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In round 3 General Bosun get poison damage and still survive then Supply Runner defeated General Bosun. One terrible monster down. But, opponent still having Drybone Raider that make the trouble to my line up. After General Bosun defeated then Venator Kinjo move to be frontline tanker and then Venator Kinjo attacking Mycelic Infantry and gives splash damage to Venari Seedsmith and Venari Seedsmith still can survive after the attack, then Venari Seedsmith attacking Venator Kinjo and just break the armor and gives Djinn Renova splash damage.After that Djinn Renova healing itself with triage ability and attacking Mycelic Slipspawn and gives Mycelic Slipspawn and Supply Runner each 1 damage.Then Mycelic Slipspawn attacking Venator Kinjo and gives splash damage to Djinn Renova again. Then Adelade brightwing repair Venator Kinjo armor and attacking Mycelic Slipspawn and fortunately my Supply Runner still survived. And lets continue in part 2

Round 3 Part 2

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The terrible begin when Drybone Raider attacking Mycelic Slipspawn and in this round opponent Drybone Raider defeat both my Mycelic Slipspawn and Supply Runner. And this time my Mycelic Infantry once again miss attacking Venator Kinjo. Then Queen Mycelia healing Venari Seedsmith and shattered Venator Kinjo armor. But, gives splash damage to Djinn Renova 1 damage. Then Goblin Psychic healing Mycelic Infantry and defeated Venator Kinjo and gives splash 1 damage to Djinn Renova. And make my Venari Seedsmith additional health because of the Scavenger ability.

Round 4

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In round 4 after Djinn Renova move to be frontline then Djinn Renova attacking Mycelic Infantry and gives damage both my Mycelic Infantry and Venari Seedsmith but both can survive the attack thanks to Void ability. Then my Venari Seedsmith defeated opponent Djinn Renova, and break Adelade Brightwing armor, then Drybone Rider attacking my Mycelic Infantry with range type attack and gives double damage because of the double strike ability. But it is still not enough to defeat both Mycelic Infantry and Venari Seedsmith. Then Adelade Brightwing repair itself armor and Attacking Mycelic Infantry and gives zero damage splash because of the Void ability. Then my Queen Mycelia healing my Venari Seedsmith and break Adelade Brightwing armor and the last is my Goblin Psychic healing my Mycelic Infantry and gives damage to Adelade Brightwing and dispelling Adelade Brightwing buff and gives splash damage to Drybone Raider and completely destroy Drybone Raider armor.

Round 5

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Looking by both line up left, i think it will be hard for opponent to turn the table. Still hard to beat my Frontline Tanker. And in round 5 the first attack goes to Venari Seedsmith defeated Adelade Brightwing, then opponent Drybone Raider moves to frontline and attacking my Mycelic Infantry with Melee type attack and you know that the ruleset is Briar Patch so opponent Drybone Raider defeated by thorns this time.

And yeah i think my strategy goes well this time and not depended on the RNG this time,even the RNG is bad still with formidable line up, i can defeat opponent line up this time.

If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

Utilize The Range in Briar Patch Ruleset



After experiencing this battle i am pretty sure that using melee monster with reflection shield ability is having high risk and it is hard to arrange the line up focused with just one main attacker. Especially when playing in Diamond League. Many monster units having dispel ability that can reset any buff that the main attacker got. So instead focusing in just one main attacker, i think it is better if we depends on the range or magic monster that placed a little bit in a middle and strengthen the frontline tanker or taunt tanker. Because encountered with Affliction ability effect,Poison Effect and dispell effect will make us having disadvantage in the battlefield. So i think using Mycelic Infantry combined with Immortalis is far better than using General Bosun.


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