Learning is very expensive
Hi, Arveno here. In this content i want to sharing my mistake on Moon Karts game. I really wrongly understanding about this game mechanics and the parts. I am just blindly buying all the parts of the cards. And since i am having problem with my budget for this game. It turns out that i am just doing wrong buy.
For early i still remember in the last content about this game i swapping my Hive to be credits around 1$. And the last week i still have many credit left. So, i decided to buy rare tire since i think the problem in this game why i cannot turn right and turn left is due the low handling status in my kart. Thats what my assumption in this week.
What i am thinking when i buy this tire is this card gives handling more than common card. But, i really forgot that this game is similar with splinterlands. So, the system similar with summoner thing. If i want to use the Rare cards, i need at least Rare Karts too. If i am still using Common Karts i cannot equip any Rare Parts. But, i can said that this is investing. Maybe i will saving more hive in these 2 weeks and buying aroung 4k Credit to buy my first epic karts.
See this tire gives 31 handling point. I bet when this tire can be set on karts it will make turn right and turn left will be smooth.
I forgot that i already have common tire too. But it turns out that my karts cannot equip this parts. The only parts that can be equipped it just Engine Refinement which is just giving speed status without handling.
Thats why my Karts cannot turns right and turns left easily.
And i am still stupidly buying all condiments part of Common card parts.
Thats funny right. like this one
And this one
both of this cards cannot be equiped to my Karts. So it will be useless in my card collection. But i still dont know want to sell it or not. I still not decided it yet. I still want to learn it better. I will read the guide again and searching if i buying the Rare Karts what amount parts card that i can equip. And if the Rare Karts price is not too much different price with Epic Karts. I will buying Epic Karts instead the rare ones. So, what can i do for now is just be patience until my hive and my budget can reaching 4k Credits. to buy at least 1 Epic Karts. After that i will practice in Single Race again. And after i feel that i can turn right and turn left easily. I will join in Multiplayer Race. And starting to thinking about the tokenomics of this game. And i will scheduling my time to playing this game too. I feel fun when i am trying in Single mode. I am still curious about the parts too. Which is i still blank about the parts. Thats why i feel excited about this game. And want to learn more about this game.
But, my problem is i have little bit time to explore this game and also i have limited budget to invest more in this game. I still building my Hive Power so i need limit my budget spending the Hive. But, rest assured since i am still excited i will playing this game and still investing in this game. Just wait a little bit longer and be patience about my Passive income from another resource. So, thank you for reading my content. And yeah this content is not educating enough. But i just sharing my though and my experience playing Moon Karts. So thanks for reading this content. And see you in the next content