Chaos Jailer (My Next Wishlist) Ambush ft Poison Ability


Heyyy yooooo
what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing?
In this content i want to share about my battle using Chaos Jailer. Lately i kinda watching and using this monster and trying some meta combination with this Monster. This monster amused my eyes so far. With fat belly and having pretty good ability. Kinda like Gobalano Soldier but more complex and hard to combine with other. Especially Chaos Jailer on Death element which is in this element there is lack of Melee combination. Less Tank, Less defense. Middle speed and health. So, it will be very hard to placing this monster and cover perfectly this monster. Let's see one of this monster battle and lets discuss further.

Chaos Jailer Rebellion edition card costing only 5 manacap. And when maxed level having 2 malee damage that kinda small for Melee carry and 3 speed which is not too faster. 2 Armor and 7 Health. See?? The stats is kinda mediocore not superior at all. And very easy to beat. But, look at its ability. This monster having 4 ability that kinda make all the team easy to get win. The first one is Opportunity. Which is this monster will hunting down the lowest health first. And usually the lowest health is the carry or the support in line up. The second is Ambush this ability can be a game changer for this monster. This monster can either break the armor first or this monster can kill the monster first if the opponent having 2 health. The third ability is Poison, this is the key ability that can break opponent strategy and line up. Imagine opponent carry got poison and defeated in round 1 or 2. It will make our line up still building strong while opponent crumbled. The last is Slow. Yep, this ability will helping our comrades and makes all opponent line up slower.
But, as i mentioned above. Death element usually are mediocore monster stats and ability. Thats why need to create some meta on it. And cannot using recklessly like when arranging Water element which is having many monster that superior. So, it will be hard to combine this monster with Chaos Legion edition. But, somehow i can manage and execute the strategy well. Of course with luck not only my skill. So, lets see in the battle section

This time i encountered with Gelo05. I often met up with him in battle. And he is Champion Player as far as i know. So, probability i win is kinda small and this battle is just my luck that can win over him. What else that i can say if i am not luck. Using Cryptic the legendary summoner from rebellion edition can be a game changer right. But, lets see the ruleset first before judge anything

This battle have 3 ruleset, the first ruleset is Broken Arrows that means both player cannot using any Range monster in this battle, the second ruleset is Weak Magic that means Magic attack type will damaging armor before health. And the last but not least is What doesn't Kill You that means all monster units will have Enrage ability. The manacap that can be used is only 29 which is below average. And the only element that can be used is Death element.

This time the opponent using Cryptic as Summoner, Cursed Windeku as tanker and Doctor Blight as carry. Chaos Agent as back defender and Revealer as support that can stun my monster unit.

Meanwhile my line up, I am using Xenith Monk as Frontline tanker, Silent Sha-Vi as backline defender. And my Carry is Chaos Jailer and Doctor Blight. I preparing for opponent will using Magic type attack to hit my frontline tanker. But i dont know that this time opponent not using melee type attack instead and using Revealer as magic attack. At first i look both strategy, i feel like i am doomed this time. I just hoping that all my poison monster gives each opponent monster poison. Since the opponent having low health monster. Basically my line up is poison play to make opponent losing health by poison effect. Since my line up does not have any good tanker or carry except Silent Sha-vi and Doctor Blight. And on Weak magic ruleset i doubt that Doctor Bligth can carrying my team in this battle.
And te summary of this battle is my Chaos Jailer not giving poison status to opponent on Ambush round, and my Silent Sha-vi missing attacking Chaos Agent. Dodge combined with Blind from Cryptic is really annoying. Thanks to Enrage ability, now the speed is more chaotic. My Xenith monk defeated easily in round 1 and finally i can defeated chaos agent and after got back damage from backfire damage my 2 unit that missing attacking Chaos Agent got speed buff from enrage. The only problem right now is Revealer stun and Cursed Windeku Thorns. Cursed Windeku heal will be easily stopped by my Doctor Blight affliction.And yeah in round 2 opponent Cursed Windeku defeated by poison from Doctor Blight. And then after my line up all rage. It will be just need only 1 hit without miss. And yep opponent Uraeus and Shadow Snitch got hit by my monster and the blind is not active this time. Lucky me.
Then my Shadow Snitch defeated by opponent Doctor Blight but leaving my Chaos Jailer, Uraeus,Silent Sha-vi and Doctor Blight can be very dangerous for opponent. And of course even though opponent giving my line up Blind, if my calculate correctly the worse all my melee type attacker miss, i still have Doctor Blight that give 2 magic damage and the opponent Doctor Blight just having 1 magic damage because i am using Thaddius Brood as summoner that reduce opponent Magic type attack. So, yeah i am locking my winning this time.
If you want to see the battle you can see here
Chaos Jailer

Okay after i watched this game, i will make Chaos Jailer as my priority right now. Maybe after i maxed my Gobalano Soldier i will starting to buy Chaos Jailer. Both of these card having similar price. Chaos Jailer price just a little bit higher.

But, still affordable i think. What i confused is how to buy the legendary and epic cards. LOL. It need 1 season to just buy 1 bcx of legendary card. Or maybe more i need to wait 2 season to buy just 1 card.
But lets see, i think i still need grinding and keep on my financial plan. Eventually i will go there in the end.

In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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33.935 NEOXAG


Hey mate, last week I bought 1 BCX GF and I love to play this card! Ambush and Poison, together with opportunity is KING. And combined with LORKUS, he gets +1 melee attack. So a very nice combo! Check my battle, you will love him😎. Thanks for the post and see you on the Battlefield!

0.000 NEOXAG

Ahhh yess!! Lorkus..
This will be make Chaos Jailer bad ass!!!

0.000 NEOXAG

Your battle was amazing..I think my decision is not wrong to make this as Wishlist

0.000 NEOXAG