A Difficult Choice to Make

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Good morning people of the HIVE
Today I am here to talk about The Red Pill and the Blue Pill Scenario where the Red Pill symbolizes living an everlasting life while the Blue Pill symbolizes bringing someone back to life.

Now let me start by saying that both the RED PILL and BLUE PILL come with some great perks but at the same time some devastating outcomes as well. So you could say that this is kind of a CATCH 22 situation where you can neither decide to take it nor leave it alone, but I will be sharing my sincere opinions as to which Pill I would choose if I am ever presented with such an opportunity.

The Red Pill


Let me start by saying that the RED PILL makes a lot of sense at first glance as with it comes everlasting life. We could do a lot of things with a life that goes on forever. Still, I strictly believe that having everlasting life is only enjoyable for the beginning of days, and once you are at the point where you don’t really care about Age and Time you start to lose yourself and with it every sense of yourself as well. So if it was me I would most definitely not choose the RED PILL.

The Blue Pill


Now since I have already stated that I will not take the RED PILL that kind of makes it easier to say yes to the BLUE PILL right?
Absolutely not, as even though I would love to bring someone I absolutely loved back to life with my BLUE PILL that is something that I would just not feel good about. The reason is that if I bring someone I loved absolutely dearly in my life and I brought them to life there is a chance that I will have to shed a lot of tears for them once they are gone again. Plus there is also the fact that this is morally unethical in my opinion as I believe death is the only truth and ultimate peace in our lives so breaking that seems bad to me.

So do I choose the RED PILL or the BLUE PILL?

Truth be told I am not for any of them and if possible I would choose neither of them but if I had to choose then I would go for the BLUE PILL as having the RED PILL will give me everlasting life which depending upon the situation might come out to be a curse rather than a boom.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I'll be back to downvote both of these posts later on. Posting the same thing twice? Hmm, I would have thought you'd know better.



Please bro this was a nistake on the server end. I was posting but it showed error thats why it was posted twice.

Why would i try to post the same thing twice?
It was just an Error.
Please do consider that.


Yeah, I thought this may have been the case...but then why are both in different communities?

You want to get paid twice for the exact same thing? That's selfish, even if it was a mistake.


The post was getting errors for the Hive Naija community so I tried something else and the second time it worked while I had no clue one was already published.

Even though it was published in two different communities it still would be published from my single account so I would definitely not do that knowingly.


No worries, because you're a good Hive user I know you'll not want to get double rewards on the same post/text so all good. Well done. ✅
