La oruga ataca mis Brassica oleracea
Definitivamente los nombres científicos de las especies animal y vegetal me ponen de cabeza, pero entiendo que tiene que ser de esta manera para que los investigadores del mundo se entiendan entre sí. La primera pista es que en este Boletín hablaremos de una oruga que se asocia a una de las etapas de metamorfosis de la Mariposa Blanca de la Col un lepidóptero alado, es decir un insecto volador, cuyo nombre científico es Pieris brassicae, siempre y cuando su tamaño sobrepase los 2 cm de largo. En el caso que las orugas no lleguen a medir más de 1 cm de largo, estaremos en presencia de las orugas de la Polilla de la Col, tambiés es un lepidóptero, pero de menor tamaño y su nombre científico es Plutella xylostella. Sus huevos los deposita en las hojas de las plantas huéspedes que no son las que están en terrenos baldíos o que sean malezas, sino las que son cultivadas en grandes sembradíos y que llegan a la mesa de nuestros hogares.
The scientific names of animal and plant species definitely drive me crazy, but I understand that it has to be this way for researchers around the world to understand each other. The first clue is that in this Bulletin we will talk about a caterpillar that is associated with one of the metamorphosis stages of the Cabbage White Butterfly, a winged lepidoptera, that is, a flying insect, whose scientific name is Pieris brassicae, as long as its size exceeds 2 cm in length. In the event that the caterpillars do not measure more than 1 cm in length, we will be in the presence of the caterpillars of the Cabbage Moth, also a Lepidoptera, but smaller in size and its scientific name it is Plutella xylostella. Its eggs are deposited on the leaves of host plants that are not those that are in vacant land or that are weeds, but those that are cultivated in large fields and that reach the table of our homes.
Oruga verde de la col en una Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Cuando los huevos de la Mariposa Blanca o la Polilla de la Col eclosionan en las hojas más externas, sus larvas son casi transparentes, un blanco lechoso o amarillento, resaltando sus ojos negros en la cabeza algo oscura. También es notable la pilosidad en todo su largo cuerpo, semejante a finas espinas.
When the eggs of the White Butterfly or the Cabbage Moth hatch on the outermost leaves, their larvae are almost transparent, a milky white or yellowish, highlighting their black eyes on the somewhat dark head. Also notable is the hairiness throughout its long body, similar to fine thorns.
Como su etapa larvaria requiere de una alimentación extrema se convierten en verdaderas máquinas depredadoras de hojas, tallos, pedúnculos y flores cerradas de las Familias Brassicaceae, incluyendo: brócoli, coliflor y repollo. Cuando consumen mucho alimento pasan por un estadio de "muda", aumenta su tamaño y requiere mayor cantidad de alimento. Yo la considero una plaga doméstica, ya que cada vez que voy a cocinar brócoli o coliflor, debo cerciorarme, casi microscópicamente, que no hayan orugas deambulando mis vegetales y hortalizas y mucho menos que ya hayan fabricado sus crisálidas para pasar a una nueva etapa de su metamorfosis.
As their larval stage requires extreme feeding, they become true predators of leaves, stems, peduncles and closed flowers of the Brassicaceae Families, including: broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. When they consume a lot of food they go through a "molting" stage, they increase in size and require more food. I consider it a domestic pest, since every time I go to cook broccoli or cauliflower, I have to make sure, almost microscopically, that there are no caterpillars wandering around my vegetables, much less that they have already made their chrysalises to move on to a new stage of growth. his metamorphosis.
Orugas de la polilla de la Familia Plutellidae
Esta oruga se presenta en los sembradíos de todos los continentes, ya que la polilla adulta tiene un rendimiento de vuelo que supera en creces a cualquier otro insecto volador, llegando a recorrer cerca de 5000 Km en una semana. Ya estoy seguro que estas orugas corresponden al Género Plutella, específicamente a la Especie Plutella xylostella, estando atento a cocinar lo suficiente para que no me cause daño la ingesta de alguna de estas orugas que pueda pasar mi inspección visual.
This caterpillar appears in the fields of all continents, since the adult moth has a flight performance that far exceeds any other flying insect, reaching nearly 5,000 km in a week. I am already sure that these caterpillars correspond to the Genus Plutella, specifically to the Species Plutella xylostella, being Be careful to cook enough so that I am not harmed by the ingestion of any of these caterpillars that can pass my visual inspection.
The scientific names of animal and plant species definitely drive me crazy, but I understand that it has to be this way for researchers around the world to understand each other. The first clue is that in this Bulletin we will talk about a caterpillar that is associated with one of the metamorphosis stages of the Cabbage White Butterfly, a winged lepidoptera, that is, a flying insect, whose scientific name is Pieris brassicae, as long as its size exceeds 2 cm in length. In the event that the caterpillars do not measure more than 1 cm in length, we will be in the presence of the caterpillars of the Cabbage Moth, also a Lepidoptera, but smaller in size and its scientific name it is Plutella xylostella. Its eggs are deposited on the leaves of host plants that are not those that are in vacant land or that are weeds, but those that are cultivated in large fields and that reach the table of our homes.
🐛 Oruga de la col
En esta fotografía vemos un par de orugas verdes en un tallo de un coliflor blanco, cuyo nombre científico es Brassica oleracea var. botrytis, al parecer una de ellas ya está preparando su oficina de trabajo, pues ha elaborado una especie de refugio con un tejido de hilos para poder mantenerse adherido al coliflor. Realmente estas orugas constituyen una gran plaga de voraces comilones de hortalizas, comenzando con el follaje verde de las hojas y terminan entre el enramado de los pedúnculos y sus flores cerradas.🐛 Cabbage Caterpillar
In this photograph we see a pair of green caterpillars on a stem of a white cauliflower, whose scientific name is Brassica oleracea var. botrytis, apparently one of them is already preparing her work office, since she has made a kind of shelter with a fabric of threads to be able to stay attached to the cauliflower. Actually these caterpillars constitute a great plague of voracious eaters of vegetables, starting with the green foliage of the leaves and ending between the branches of the peduncles and their closed flowers.Cuando los huevos de la Mariposa Blanca o la Polilla de la Col eclosionan en las hojas más externas, sus larvas son casi transparentes, un blanco lechoso o amarillento, resaltando sus ojos negros en la cabeza algo oscura. También es notable la pilosidad en todo su largo cuerpo, semejante a finas espinas.
When the eggs of the White Butterfly or the Cabbage Moth hatch on the outermost leaves, their larvae are almost transparent, a milky white or yellowish, highlighting their black eyes on the somewhat dark head. Also notable is the hairiness throughout its long body, similar to fine thorns.
As their larval stage requires extreme feeding, they become true predators of leaves, stems, peduncles and closed flowers of the Brassicaceae Families, including: broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. When they consume a lot of food they go through a "molting" stage, they increase in size and require more food. I consider it a domestic pest, since every time I go to cook broccoli or cauliflower, I have to make sure, almost microscopically, that there are no caterpillars wandering around my vegetables, much less that they have already made their chrysalises to move on to a new stage of growth. his metamorphosis.
This caterpillar appears in the fields of all continents, since the adult moth has a flight performance that far exceeds any other flying insect, reaching nearly 5,000 km in a week. I am already sure that these caterpillars correspond to the Genus Plutella, specifically to the Species Plutella xylostella, being Be careful to cook enough so that I am not harmed by the ingestion of any of these caterpillars that can pass my visual inspection.
Me gusta la lectura y buscar información audiovisual de todo lo relacionado con el AQUA y su entorno más cercano, así que procuro que el texto publicado por @aqua.nano sea 100% original, proporcionando un pequeño análisis de la especie marina o animal terrestre que les presento en mi blog.
I like reading and looking for audiovisual information on everything related to AQUA and its closest environment, so I try to make sure that the text published by @aqua.nano is 100% original, providing a small analysis of the marine or terrestrial animal species that I present to you on my blog.
·) Plutella xylostella
·) Combatir la oruga de la col
·) ¡El brócoli puede estar lleno de gusanos!
·) Pieris brassicae
Las imágenes y vídeos que son CC0 Public Domain están indicadas con sus enlaces correspondientes para respetar los derechos de autor. El texto presentado en el Blog de @AQUA.nano es 100% original
Las referencias están incluidas en el mismo texto, así que puedes darle clic y llegar a ellas, pero también puedes buscar más información sobre la oruga de la col en los siguientes enlaces:
·) Brassica oleracea·) Plutella xylostella
·) Combatir la oruga de la col
·) ¡El brócoli puede estar lleno de gusanos!
·) Pieris brassicae
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