Fan art of NAARA


Hello beautiful people of holozing community.
Hope you all are well.

Two days ago holozing community introduced the two new characters. Which are very cute. All the characters are very cute but these two characters are really amazing.
One is Naara and the other is shinaara.
And today I made the fan art of the character NAARA.

As holozing community have told his qualities that this is a very polite deer with increased agility/speed and of the grass type. It'll learn a lot of normal-type abilities along with grass-type ones. One of its passive abilities makes it possible to overcome poisonous/disease status effects faster than others.

Now let's start making the fan art of Naara.

Step 1:

First of all I made the mouth of Naara. Including eyes nose and a cute smile.

Step 2:

In the next step I made the big ears and then I made the small antlers.

Step 3:

Now I made the full body of the Naara.
Including his legs.

step 4:

In this step I made the full body sketch of the Nara including the small details.

Step 5:

Now I start the coloring. Firstly I color the mouth with light pink.

Step 6:

Then I color the body with dark brown. And the antlers with the light brown.

Step 7:

In the last step I complete the coloring. And add the dark green background.
Its looking really cute by the way.

Here's the original character of NAARA.

I'm really satisfied with this fan art. I do my best to make this character. I hope you will definitely like it.
Give me your reviews in the comments section. Its all for you.
See you guys in the next post till then take care and

Allah Hafiz. 👋🏻

0.080 NEOXAG


It looks like the typical Christmas drawing you find in children's coloring books, it's adorable!

0.000 NEOXAG

yes you are right exactly it's like the Christmas drawing. But I don't find it in any coloring book I made this fan art on my own imagination.

0.000 NEOXAG