

Since I started my university studies I became a constant buyer of books of many genres and topics. From reference encyclopedias, educational topics, novels, poetry books, and more. My collection grew larger every day, and I was pleased to be able to leave my children an extensive legacy of wisdom.

I remember that in a room at the university there was a book exhibition and I loved going through all the books on display. The girl who gave the demonstration eventually became my friend, and I would take the books home on request, paying her for parts.

Within that vast collection, I fell in love with several encyclopedias illustrated with Snoopy, especially one of general topics, and another of English words and phrases. The latter was called Charlie Brown's Dictionary, and it was a compilation of words from A to Z translated from Spanish to English and had not only their meaning but the pronunciation, even a sentence as an example using each word, and it was written in both languages.

I bought it for my children but we all use it at home, including me in my school workshop. I keep it intact and it dates back 25 years. The other collection I show here is a collection of didactic activities for preschool children, and has many didactic games to apply in class. I used it very little since my work concentrated more on the basic stage, but I always implemented some ideas from these guides.

After I retired from the classrooms and closed the workshop, many books have been left at rest, and no one is using them, I always thought they would be a transmission for my grandchildren, but both are growing away from me and I wanted to give these collections a real use than to remain an ornament in my library.

My daughter's co-worker, a beautiful friend, a sportswoman just like her, but also an English teacher, now works in a private workshop for children in kindergarten and elementary school, and I felt the desire to give them these two collections as a gift so that they can continue to fulfill their mission in the teaching-learning process. I am sure that she will give them the same value that I gave them, and perhaps even more. This afternoon when I attend my daily training, I will give them to her, and then I will tell you how she was so excited to receive them.

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Thank you very much for visiting my blog, and thanks to the @hivebookclub team for awarding me the "Member" mention of this valuable community. It is an honor for me.

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Desde que comencé mis estudios universitarios me convertí en una compradora constante de libros de muchos géneros y temáticas. Desde enciclopedias de consulta, temas de educación, novelas, poemarios, y más. Mi colección crecía más cada día, y me sentía complacida de poder dejarles a mis hijos un extenso legado de sabiduría.

Recuerdo que en una sala de la universidad colocaron una exhibición de libros y me encantaba recorrer todos los ejemplares que se mostraban. La chica que hacía la demostración con el tiempo se convirtió en mi amiga, y ya me llevaba los libros a la casa por encargo, le cancelaba por partes.

Dentro de esa basta colección, me enamoré de varias enciclopedias ilustradas con Snoopy, especialmente una de temáticas generales, y otra de palabras y frases en inglés. Esta última se llamaba Diccionario de Charlie Brown, y era una recopilación de palabras de la A a la Z traducidas de español a inglés y tenía no sólo su significado sino la pronunciación, incluso, una frase como ejemplo utilizando cada palabra, y ésta estaba escrita en ambos idiomas.

La compré para mis hijos pero la usamos todos en casa, incluso yo en mi taller escolar. La conservo intacta y data de 25 años. La otra colección que muestro acá es de actividades didácticas para niños de etapa inicial (prescolar), y tiene muchos juegos didácticos para aplicar en clases. La usé poco ya que mi trabajo se concentró más en la etapa básica, pero siempre implementaba algunas ideas de estas guías.

Después que me retiré de las aulas y cerré el taller, muchos libros han quedado en reposo, y nadie los está utilizando, pensaba siempre que serían una transmisión para mis nietos, pero ambos están creciendo lejos de mí y quise brindarles a estas colecciones un verdadero uso que seguir siendo un adorno en mi biblioteca.

La compañera de trabajo de mi hija, hermosa amiga, deportista igual que ella, pero además profesora de inglés, hoy ejerce sus funciones en un taller privado para niños de etapa inicial y básica, y sentí el deseo de obsequiarles estas dos colecciones para que sigan cumpliendo su misión en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Yo estoy segura de que ella les va a dar el mismo valor que le di yo, y quizás aún más. Esta tarde cuando asista a mi entrenamiento de todos los días, se los voy a entregar, y después les contaré cómo fue su cara de emoción al recibirlos.

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Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog, y gracias al equipo @hivebookclub por otorgarme la mención "Miembro" de esta valiosa comunidad. Es un honor para mí.

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Content images belong to my personal archive //Las imágenes de contenido pertenecen a mi archivo personal


I think it was very beautiful and kind of you to pass on some of your collections. I hope she knows how precious they are to you and put very good use to it.


I also have that desire, I think so, she is a girl very dedicated to her work and with great creativity, I have faith that this treasure will be in good hands. Thanks for visiting me and leaving your comment.


Books are a great collection to have to pass on to your children and grandchildren. It's also a timeless piece of collection and nice of you to keep it intact and organized.


Thank you dear, I have always liked to keep books as new, although sometimes it is difficult due to the constant use of some more than others, but with these I think you did a good job of conservation.


I concider that habits of reading is a good habits that mother have to introduce in their children live style.


True friend, regardless of the habits encouraged by the school, the home is the primary driver in this activity.


I love when books have a history like this!


Thank you dear, I believe that the stories of this beautiful collection will continue to transcend through many generations... it could not be otherwise for such a special treasure.
