The natural beauty of a Madagascar Periwinkle Plant flower

We enjoy various beauties in our natural environment and these beauties are given by the only creator in various animals or objects which we enjoy seeing the beauty with our own eyes. Flowers are one of the natural beauties. Indeed, there is so much beauty hidden in any flower that anyone who sees it will love that flower for its beauty. I personally love any flower and enjoy the beauty of flowers. One such beautiful flower is called Madagascar Periwinkle Plant flower. I like this flower very much and sometimes I see this flower and enjoy its beauty. I took a few pictures today as I liked and the pictures are presented below for perusal.

I work in a government primary school and last few days I got transferred and now join a new school. Today when I came to my school in the morning and I saw this beautiful flower in the school yard. Just as I entered the school premises I saw the beauty of this flower and the flower was looking at me and I was also looking at this beautiful flower and enjoyed the beauty that I saw in the flower. I observed the flower and found that it also loved me very much and was calling me again and again to enjoy its beauty. So I went to the flower and beautified the flower.

There is a deep relationship between flowers and people and that relationship is that the person who sees a flower will love the flower by enjoying its beauty and on the other hand the flower will cheer up the mind of any person by showing its own beauty. If there is any uneasiness in the mind of a person and if he sees the beauty of a flower then his mind will be relieved. However, the beauty of this flower was given by the Creator as the only flower that humans enjoy. I took some pictures in different shapes because I like it and I hope these pictures of mine will be liked by all the friends of hive community.
