Pentatomomorpha bug insect

It is an insect and a very beautiful insect. It has a beautiful beauty in its skin that will be loved by anyone who sees it and has a combination of different colors in its skin. We usually see this kind of insect on the leaves of different plants or in the trees around us. They have many arms or legs at the front with which it can move from one place to another. This bug has many names and I googled to find a nice name and the nice name I found is Pentatomomorpha bug insect. It is a type of bug and a very familiar insect and this insect is a common insect in our country. As I like to see the insect, I have taken some pictures with my own mobile in different shapes and the pictures are presented below.














I was walking down the road today at noon and I saw this bug sitting on a tree on the right side of the road. When I saw the insect in the tree with my own eyes, I saw that the insect was moving from one place to another in the tree. That's why I couldn't take a picture at first even after trying so hard. Whenever this talk stops, I immediately try to take pictures with my mobile. I like it very much and it has a very charming beauty. I found that the insect would occasionally look at me from a fixed position in the tree and would change position again whenever I tried to photograph it. I really liked this insect.

I often see such insects and it lives in the natural environment around us. These are elements of the natural environment and they are found in nature and created by the creator to beautify nature with beauty. Moreover, it can also delight people with beauty that people can enjoy. To be honest, I love the beauty of this insect. I really like when I see such insects and I try to take some pictures with my mobile and share these pictures with all my friends in the hive community. Hope all my friends will like these pictures of mine.
