Freewriting days ● What would you do with your education if you had the opportunity to start from scratch?
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Hola comunidad de Hive ♡ hoy en mi Freewriting days. Tenemos: ¿Que harias con tu educación si tuvieras la oportunidad de empezar de cero?
Esta pregunta me llego de una amiga y era justo lo que habia estado pensando todo este tiempo, si hubiese tenido el conocimiento que tengo ahorita creo que hubiese tomado mejores decisiones en cuanto a educación y educación pudiera englobar a los habitos y modales y todo lo aprendido en casa que son pieza fundamental en el crecimiento de la persona pero aqui yo tambien me referiria a la educación en cuanto al crecimiento profesional.
Hello Hive community ♡ today on my Freewriting days. We have: What would you do with your education if you had the opportunity to start from scratch?.
This question came to me from a friend and it was just what I had been thinking all this time, if I had the knowledge that I have now I think I would have made better decisions in terms of education and education could encompass the habits and manners and everything learned at home that are fundamental piece in the growth of the person but here I would also refer to education in terms of professional growth.
Hace ya tiempo que pude graduarme en una carrera que quizas en circunstancias mas inteligentes no hubiese elegido porque no va para nada conmigo, no me siento identificada, en cambio si me hubiese dejado llevar por mis instintos mi profesión hubiese sido otra sin duda, recuerdo siempre haber tenido dudas pero me deje llevar con las ganas de ya graduarme un error garrafal que cometemos los jovenes, tener afan.
Some time ago I was able to graduate in a career that perhaps in more intelligent circumstances I would not have chosen because it does not suit me at all, I do not feel identified, however if I had let myself be guided by my instincts my profession would have been another without a doubt, I remember always having doubts but I let myself go with the desire to graduate, a blunder that we young people make, to have eagerness.
Mi educación se hubiese basado en aprender ingles primeramente, ahorita se lo importante que es aprenderlo te abre muchas puertas en un ambito laboral y tambien seria un logro personal siempre me ha gustado y las carreras que me gustaban apuntaban aprender idiomas aunque se que aun estoy a tiempo me hubiese gustado no haber desechado ese tiempo en solo tener afán por graduarme.
My education would have been based on learning English first, now I know how important it is to learn it opens many doors in a work environment and it would also be a personal achievement I have always liked and the careers that I liked aimed to learn languages although I know that I am still in time I would have liked not to have thrown away that time in just having eagerness to graduate.
Otra cosas que si pusiera volver atras lo adoptara, seria el leer, aunque ya llevo un año leyendo y me gusta hacerlo me hubiese gustado que me lo inculcaran desde mucho tiempo atras, todo lo que se aprende leyendo eso es oro. Aprender es vida.
Another thing that if I were to go back I would adopt it, would be reading, although I have been reading for a year now and I like to do it, I would have liked to have been taught it since a long time ago, everything you learn by reading is gold. Learning is life
Sin dudarlo, si tuviera la oportunidad de empezar de cero mi educación cambiaria primeramente mi educación profesional e inculcaria habitos que se que en un futuro tendria muchos frutos, pero nunca es tarde poco a poco se van agregando esas cositas que queremos en nuestra vida y en nuestro dia a dia.
Without hesitation, if I had the opportunity to start my education from scratch I would change my professional education first and instill habits that I know that in the future would have many fruits, but it is never too late little by little we are adding those little things that we want in our lives and in our day to day life.
♡ Imágenes y textos son propiedad del autor
♡ Edición: Canva - Picsart
♡ Traductor: DeepL
♡ Images and texts are property of the author.
♡ Editing: Canva - Picsart
♡ Translator: DeepL