Drawing of GOKU Blue Phase -Dibujo de GOKU Fase Azul [ENG/ESP]


Hello everyone, today I come with the main character of the Dragon Ball series Goku in Blue phase also called:

Hola a todos, el día de hoy vengo con el personaje principal de la serie de Dragon Ball a Goku en fase Azul llamados también:
Super Saiyajin Blue Super Saiyan Blue Super Saiyan Blue Supersaiyan God Supersaiyan Blue[ Supersaiyan God SS SSGSS .
Súper Saiyajin Blue Supersaiyano Blue Super Saiyan Azul Supersaiyano Dios Supersaiyano[ Supersaiyano Dios SS SSGSS .

His appearance or debut
Movie: Dragon Ball Z: The Resurrection of 'F' (Dragon Ball Z: The Resurrection of 'F')
Anime: Episode 24 (Dragon Ball Super)
Manga: Chapter 5 (Dragon Ball Super).

Su aparición o debut Película: Dragon Ball Z: La resurrección de 'F' Anime: Episodio 24 (Dragon Ball Super) Manga: Capítulo 5 (Dragon Ball Super).

Goku is from a race of warriors belonging to the (fictional) universe of Dragon Ball, physically similar to humans, but with qualities that distinguish them: the presence of a monkey tail, rude and unfriendly attitude of all its members and extraordinary fighting power. It is a true Saiyajin.
The Saiyajin has the ability to transform, to temporarily increase their powers and we see it throughout the series in transforming and its first transformation in Ōzaru (in the great monkey) Super Saiyajin phase 1, Super Saiyajin phase 2 , Super Saiyajin phase 3

Goku es de una raza de guerreros pertenecientes al universo (ficticio) de Dragon Ball, físicamente parecidos a los humanos, pero con cualidades que los distinguen: la presencia de una cola de mono, actitud ruda y antipática de todos sus miembros y poder de pelea extraordinario. Es un verdadero Saiyajin. Los Saiyajin tiene la habilidad de transformarse, para incrementar temporalmente sus poderes y la vemos a lo largo de la serie en transformarse y su primera transformación en Ōzaru (en el gran mono) Super Saiyajin fase 1, Super Saiyajin fase 2 , Super Saiyajin fase 3.

Once finished we get the God Phase, Super Saiyajin God or Super Saiyajin God, is a legendary transformation used by peaceful Saiyajin of the past to fight more savage congeners. It is achieved through a ritual in which five individuals gather in a circle holding hands to offer their life energy to a sixth, who will be able to obtain divine energy superior to that which can be obtained through transformations on their own. The subject takes on a more jovial appearance, becoming thinner, the hair and eyes become reddish and the facial expression denotes total calm. The Blue phase is located in this God phase.

Una vez terminada nos llega la Fase Dios, Dios Súper Saiyajin o Super Saiyajin Dios, es una transformación legendaria que usaron Saiyajin pacíficos del pasado para combatir a congéneres más salvajes. Se logra mediante un ritual en el que cinco individuos se reúnen en círculo tomados de las manos para ofrecer su energía vital a un sexto, el cual podrá obtener energía divina superior a la que se puede obtener mediante transformaciones por cuenta propia. El sujeto toma una apariencia más jovial, adelgazando, el pelo y los ojos se tornan rojizos y la expresión facial denota calma total. La fase Azul esta ubicado en esta fase Dios.

To reach it, there are two known methods. One consists of reaching the Supersaiyan God through his ritual and absorbing his power, then the user must learn to channel this power into the Supersaiyan; and the other consists of managing to control the power of the gods, through special training with a master who understands and masters this power, in this case Whis.

Para alcanzarlo, existen dos métodos conocidos. Uno consiste en alcanzar el Supersaiyano Dios mediante su ritual y absorber su poder, luego el usuario debe aprender a canalizar dicho poder en el Supersaiyano; y el otro, consiste en lograr controlar el poder de los dioses, mediante un entrenamiento especial con un maestro que entienda y domine dicho poder, en este caso Whis.

This drawing was made with graphite using various shades of pencils, HB, 2B, 4B and colored pencils.

Este dibujo lo hice a grafito utilizando varios tonos de lápices tanto HB, 2B, 4B y lápices de colores.


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