Rutina para mejorar resistencia y fuerza en el core - Routine to improve core strength and endurance
Rutina para mejorar resistencia y fuerza en el core.
Routine to improve core strength and endurance.
Bueno amigos esta rutina es un poco diferente a lo que estamos acostumbrados a ver. Cada día les presento una persona diferente en cada video, hoy tenemos a Vivian muy conocida como la vivis, el tema de vivian al momento de entrenar calistenia es que la rotula de la rodilla es muy pequeña entonces no puede hacer trabajos de extensión y contracción de las piernas, además de esto es que sufre de hiperlaxitud o que tiene mucha flexibilidad en pocas palabras y aparte de esto jaja tiene bursitis en los hombros y sufre del nervio ciático entonces se deben hacer trabajos enfocados a mejorar la resistencia y fuerza del músculos de los hombros, gluteo medio y core.
En esta ocasión es un entrenamiento enfocado a los hombros y abdomen.
Well friends this routine is a little different than what we are used to seeing. Every day I present a different person in each video, today we have Vivian well known as vivian, the issue of vivian when training calisthenics is that the patella of the knee is very small then you can not do extension and contraction work of the legs, in addition to this is that it suffers from hyperlaxity or has a lot of flexibility in short and besides this haha has bursitis in the shoulders and suffers from the sciatic nerve then you should do work focused on improving the resistance and strength of the muscles of the shoulders, gluteus medius and core.
This time it is a workout focused on the shoulders and abdomen.
You can use dumbbells, a bottle with cement, books, a bag with books as it is easier for you and I know it looks a little simple or simple but remember that the idea of a routine is not to overdemand the muscle or take it to the limit, as they say out there less is more, a good workout, good exercises, good sets and repetitions accompanied with a good rest will make you get a good result.
Para mantener el área lumbar completamente en el tapete vas a contraer el abdomen, sacar el pecho y realizar una retroversión pélvica acostado!
It is very important to have a good position of the spine and that the lumbar area is comfortable. How do I know that the lumbar is resting? First important point is that your whole back is completely on the floor or mat and that it is not curved.
To keep the lumbar area completely on the mat you are going to contract your abdomen, stick out your chest and perform a pelvic retroversion lying down!
When performing this style of exercise the idea is to keep the leg in suspension because if we take the sole of the foot to the floor it is likely that the sciatica area will be a little recent so friends very careful with each of the movements with which they perform their legs.
When the arm is extended it is exhaled and when the arm is retracted it is inhaled, I remind you that in addition to this there are two methods to place the legs one on top of the other or alternated one in front and one behind.
I remind everyone that despite being a simple routine, we get very good results and benefits in the areas that are worked and muscles already mentioned above.
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Uhh hermano, que buena rutina, se ve efectiva, me animaré a intentarlo ya que nunca en entrenado de esta manera el core. Un saludo 🔥
Saludos @angelrvzl
Greetings @angelrvzl