Celebrando el cumpleaños de la prima Alejandra // Celebrating cousin Alejandra's birthday
Hola amigos, ¿Cómo están?
Hello friends, how are you?
Hello friends, how are you?
Hace unos días estuvo de cumpleaños una prima de mi mamá, la cual se ha vuelto bastante cercana a nosotros a pesar de que vive en otra ciudad.
A few days ago my mom's cousin, who has become quite close to us even though she lives in another city, had her birthday.
Su nombre es Alejandra, ella vive en Valencia, sin embargo, sus papás que son tíos de mi mamá (tíos abuelos míos) viven acá en Monagas y este año ella decidió venir a celebrar en casa de sus papás su cumpleaños y en vista de que ha mantenido un contacto bonito con mi mamá y el resto de su familia, aprovechó la oportunidad para invitarnos a todos a su celebración.
Her name is Alejandra, she lives in Valencia, however, her parents who are my mom's uncles (my great uncles and aunts) live here in Monagas and this year she decided to come to celebrate her birthday at her parents' house and since she has kept a nice contact with my mom and the rest of her family, she took the opportunity to invite us all to her celebration.
Aleja (como le decimos de cariño) es una prima que le gusta mantener el contacto con todos sus familiares, es super servicial, muy cariñosa y especial, si está en sus manos hacerte un favor o una atención no dudará en ayudar y apoyarte, la verdad es que es de esas personas que valora muchísimo la familia y lo demuestra con sus acciones, es una prima que queremos mucho y tenemos motivos de sobra para hacerlo, ella se lo ha ganado.
Aleja (as we call her affectionately) is a cousin who likes to keep in touch with all her relatives, she is super helpful, very affectionate and special, if it is in her hands to do you a favor or an attention she will not hesitate to help and support you, the truth is that she is one of those people who values the family very much and shows it with her actions, she is a cousin that we love very much and we have every reason to do so, she has earned it.
Para celebrar su cumpleaños Aleja preparó un delicioso arroz a la marinera, en una olla suuuper grande para atender a todos sus invitados, le quedo divino, yo aproveché de comer un buen plato y de repetir antes de irme jejeje.
To celebrate her birthday Aleja prepared a delicious arroz a la marinera, in a suuuper big pot to serve all her guests, it was divine, I took the opportunity to eat a good plate and to repeat before leaving hehehehe.
Esta oportunidad era la primera vez que mi esposo conocía la casa de mis tíos (los papás de Aleja) aunque ya él conocía a mi tío Alejandro y mi tía mercedes, no había ido a la casa de ellos.
This was the first time my husband had visited my aunt and uncle's house (Aleja's parents) although he already knew my uncle Alejandro and my aunt Mercedes, he had not been to their house.
Al entrar pude observar qué tienen muchas fotos familiares en la sala de su casa, fotos de mis bisabuelos, fotos de mi fallecido y amado abuelo Arquímedes, así que aproveche la visita para que Goyo viera esas fotos que guardan tantos recuerdos de la familia Velásquez qué es la familia paterna de mi madre (mi segundo apellido).
This opportunity was the first time that my husband knew the house of my uncles (Aleja's parents) although he already knew my uncle Alejandro and my aunt Mercedes, he had not been to their house, when entering I could see that they have many family photos in the living room of their house, photos of my great grandparents, photos of my late and beloved grandfather Arquímedes, so I took advantage of the visit for Goyo to see those photos that keep so many memories of the Velasquez family which is the paternal family of my mother (my second surname).
Tío Alejandro (el papá de Alejandra) es hermano del que fue el papá de mi mamá y ellos eran hermanos muy unidos, bueno la verdad es que mi abuelo era unido a todos sus hermanos, sin embargo, ya muchos están en el reino de Dios y Alejandro es de los pocos que sigue disfrutando de la vida, por lo que a mí me gusta mucho visitarlo últimamente, ya que me siento un poco cerca de mi abuelito, incluso mi tío siente que es la representación de mi abuelo con nosotros, así me lo hizo saber cuando me case.
Uncle Alejandro (Alejandra's father) is the brother of my mother's father and they were very close brothers, well the truth is that my grandfather was close to all his brothers, however, many are already in the kingdom of God and Alejandro is one of the few who still enjoys life, so I like to visit him a lot lately, because I feel a little close to my grandfather, even my uncle feels that he is the representation of my grandfather with us, so he let me know when I got married.
Los Velásquez son una familia muy unida, aun estando dispersos por todas partes y en distintas ciudades, siempre buscan estar en contacto y cuando se presenta una oportunidad como esta siempre se juntan para compartir y celebrar todos juntos la unión familiar, Aleja le gusta conservar esa tradición al igual que a sus papás y su cumpleaños fue una excusa perfecta para hacerle homenaje a esa unión familiar.
The Velasquez are a very united family, even being scattered everywhere and in different cities, they always seek to stay in touch and when an opportunity like this arises they always get together to share and celebrate all together the family union, Aleja likes to keep that tradition like her parents and her birthday was a perfect excuse to pay tribute to that family union.
Para finalizar la tarde se cantó cumpleaños con dos grandes y deliciosas tortas qué le regalaron a Aleja, ella lo disfruto muchísimo y la verdad es que pasamos una tarde bien amena y como hace mucho tiempo no la pasábamos todos juntos compartiendo.
To end the afternoon we sang birthday with two big and delicious cakes that were given to Aleja, she enjoyed it very much and the truth is that we spent a very pleasant afternoon, as we had not spent all together sharing for a long time.
Espero repetir pronto otro encuentro familiar como este y compartirlo con ustedes.
I hope to repeat soon another family reunion like this one and share it with you.
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Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.
Happy birthday 🎂 Alejandra. Wish you a very happy life ahead 🙂. You and your cousin are looking so gorgeous together. It's a blessing to have a such beautiful connection among your family members ❤
Thanks my friend ❤️
Lots of love ❤ dear
que rica se ve esa torta vale. y que bonito compartir,, es ua bendicion contar con sus seres querdidos, bendiciones, saludos
Sii de verdad que le doy gracias a Dios cuando me permite compartir de momentos como estos, gracias por tu mentario amiga
really nice to see such gatherings, it shows the unity, love and bond for each other.
It is very difficult to meet and gather in current busy life so it is appreciated that everyone visits and celebrated the birthday of your cousin. Good to see that you value your grandparents and their family. Such respect is fading these days which is very bad sign.
Keep sharing these gathering to make people think otherwise.
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Thanks for your kindness!! I share your thoughts about it! Family is everything for us and we try to gather any time we can! Xoxo
Family is everything thats right, well everyone have their own opinions but for me, family always comes first. And I saw the same thing in your post. Thumbs UP
Happiest Birthday to your cousin.♥️ God bless.
Thanks my friend, god bless you too