Русскій мір • Russian world [ENG/UA]


Image source Trostyanets town square

Всім привіт, друзі 🖐️
На прев'ю знаходиться Тростянецька площа після приходу русского міра в нашу область. Точніше, була площа... від неї небагато лишилося, як ви бачите.

Я дуже радий, що нашим військам вдалося витіснити росіян за лінію кордону і деокупувати Сумську область.
Вічна слава кожному, хто приклав до цього руку!

В області багато руйнувань, замінованих територій, але життя вирує... регіон відновлюють.

Hello everyone guys🖐️
On the preview is Trostyanetsk Square after the arrival of the Russian army in our region. More precisely, there was a square... not much is left of it, as you can see.

I am very glad that our troops managed to push the Russians beyond the border line and de-occupy the Sumy region.
Eternal glory to each of our fighters!

There is a lot of destruction in the region, mined areas, but life is raging... the region is being restored.

Росіяни традиційно продовжують обстрілювати прикордонні села...

The Russians traditionally continue shelling border villages...

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І знову артилерія, мінометні атаки, навіть залпи з РСЗВ «Град».
Пошкоджено декілька будинків. В один з них залетів снаряд і не розірвався... Просто диво. Всі живі та здорові, хоч і налякані...
Також пошкоджені лінії електропередач та інтернет.

Одного чудового дня вони понесуть відповідальність за кожен з таких днів, якщо звісно доживуть до нього

And again artillery, mortar attacks, even volleys from the «Grad» rocket launcher system.
Several houses were damaged. A projectile flew into one of them and did not explode... Just a miracle.
Everyone is alive and well, although scared...
Power lines and the Internet were also damaged.

One day they will be responsible for each of those days, if they physically live to see it.

Іноді буває й гірше за міномети та артилерію...

Sometimes it's worse than mortars and artillery...

Image source Consequences of a missile strike.

На фото ви бачите наслідки ракетного удару по Роменському району. Жах! Просто жах!
Одна людина загинула, на жаль... Його звали Денис Хуторний...

Україні вкрай потрібно більше систем протиповітряної та протиракетної оборони. У повітрі росіяни мають перевагу, єдину перевагу, що у них лишилася.

In the photo you can see the consequences of a rocket attack on the Romenskiy district. Just terrible!
One person died, unfortunately... His name was Denis Khutorny...

Ukraine desperately needs more air and missile defense systems. Russians have the advantage in the air, the only advantage they have left.

❤️ PEACE ❤️


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Where is Stanley Tany? Fears for African man thrown out of Ukrainian police station after being chased by Neo Nazis

THERE ARE growing concerns for the welfare of an African student in Ukraine who filmed himself allegedly being pushed out of a police station in Ukraine after being chased by Neo Nazis.

Stanley Tany, who is from Cameroon, videoed his ordeal on his mobile phone and the harrowing footage was uploaded to social media platform Tik Tok.

In the now viral video, Mr Tany claims he was chased by Neo Nazis to Ukraine’s police station, where went to seek help, but instead he was pushed out of the station.

Mr Tany has not been seen since.

During the heartbreaking video, Mr Tany says: “I cannot go outside, it’s for my safety, this is a police station, it’s for my security.”

He is then approached by man in a high visibility jacket who attempts to lead him out of the police station.

Mr Tany then says: “It’s for my security, I can’t go outside so many people are outside waiting for me and I cannot go there.

“I cannot go there, so many people are there waiting for me, I can’t go there.”

But he is still ushered towards the exit.

Mr Tany then pleads: “They want to harm me, I cannot go outside.”

Despite fearing for his safety, Mr Tany is then physically pushed and pulled out of the police station by two men.

The video has been widely circulated on social media under the hashtag #StanleyTany and #WhereisStanleyTany?

It was first shared online on March 9 and so far, there has been no update on where Mr Tany is or what his condition is.

There is growing concern about the presence of neo-Nazis in the Ukrainian national guard that is fighting the Russian invasion.

The extreme right Azov Battalion is suspected to be attracting neo-Nazis from across Europe in a fascist fighting force seeking to repel Russian troops.

(More like Russian Liberation)


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