Life is about acting consistently
The human being is so fragile. He looks strong, vigorous, powerful. But the truth is that we are extremely fragile. Sensitive. Knowledge gives you an advantage, but also disadvantages. It may be that knowing, knowing gives you the advantage, the opportunity not to fail, not to fall. But how curious, we tend to act in an emotional way and not through reasoning...
I'm going to quote professor @moisesjohan because for some time now he has been teaching me photography, cryptocurrency and this Hive ecosystem. And he always repeats that life is about coherence, it is to have coherence in everything you do, surprisingly, although it might sound egocentric the way he says it, when you analyze it you are surprised because, well, yes. If we reason each action in a coherent way before executing it, if we use logic, we save a lot. Not only emotionally, which is a fundamental basis for standing on one's feet. But also financially. When I came to Hive my economy was suffering a small decline, which frustrated me as a person and as a wo
I have always liked to be independent. Oddly enough, I won't say I became a millionaire . Not yet. What I can say is that it has supported me and backed me up even though I am sincere in saying that I have lacked more constancy and dedication. Sometimes the world outside this ecosystem traps me; today I have understood that they are not two worlds, it is only one; you just have to know how to balance your time and bring the best of each one creating a fusion. In this I am increasingly filled with cultural and economic knowledge. Little by little it is becoming that base of impulse for any project that I start. Certainly, I already find myself in some of them. To tell the truth, getting to know Hive and starting to move forward within it is one of the most coherent actions I have done in my life and, strangely enough, all it has generated for me are positive things. Meeting new people, acquiring more knowledge. Visiting spaces that I saw far from my reach. Hive is another level within existence that, as a woman, I feel allows you to free yourself and maintain your independence in a positive way, always in constant evolution. Nourishing your being. Thank you for reading. Blessings.