trAVersE - on: trAV̸e̷r̶sE


trAVersE - on: trAV̸e̷r̶sE


ArtGen from MidJourney

"A cyber explorer riding on a sailing ship traveling across a digital ocean, exploring the internet and the metaverse, blue, purple, white, gray, black, color scheme, futuristic, Ultra Realistic, 64k, Octane Render, Volumetric Lighting, Intricate detail"

on: trAV̸e̷r̶sE - Proce̶s̷sion:

trAV̸e̷r̶sE is : a collection of thoughts, educational infotainment and techwizard word-salads transcribed forever-more onto the HIVE blockchain.

trAV̸e̷r̶sE is me, traveling through new technologies, and writing down my thoughts like a digital nomad, adrift the new technological seas. The name derives from a musical concept album which is still in the works, detailing rhythmic audio sequences of human travel, from walking to horseback to automobile. One concept of travel that is overlooked is that of digital travel. As the musical album I'm working on will need to encompass that, this blog aims to be the reservoir of written knowledge that fills the void a musical album can not. Yes, this entire blog is written to be cliffnotes for an album that isn't even close to being complete yet.

Also: trAV̸e̷r̶sE is a cathartic release. Get the schizo out, so they might say. I have thoughts I can't back up with anything but mere intuition and gut instinctual hunches, so taking the opportunities to write them here. Just gotta deal. Rambling shit aside, all that said, these articles are the authors thoughts alone and should be taken as educational only. The meme "Do your own research DYOR/Not Financial Advice NFA" apply.

Please subscribe and follow along for the journey. This blog will be (hopefully) updated bi-monthly with articles written to hopefully entertain you, dear reader, with topics such as:

  • Distributed Ledger Technologies (blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTs)
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Technologies
  • Social Media Landscape, Marketing and Digital Aesthetics
  • And more


Same site and prompt as above

on: trAV̸e̷r̶sE - Ae̷̻͗stheticš̵̤

The art within this blog will be a m̵i̶x̸ture of my own plus prompted digital artwork by various methods of diffusion and other t̶e̷c̷h̷niques. The location of the AIArt Generation and the prompt will be posted below the artwork. Stylistically I'm aiming for something darker but not too dark, with an empha̷s̵i̸s̷ on traveling.

Text wise, presentation wise will be entertaining and hopefully f̷u̵n̵. Formatting will be slick, language barriers will be off, and topics won't be limited or watered down. I write as I want. The appeal is to be aesthetically different, unique. I've always wanted to create, novelty inspires me, and inspiration drives me. My hopes are many, but I do hope to create an interesting looking, as well as reading, blog. This also doubles as a way to refine markdown and writing blog-code, so to speak.

Many tools are used to create this blog including:


on: trAV̸e̷r̶sE - Imm̴u̶t̵able

HIVE has been a home for my writings for nearly half a decade. I began the journey looking for a place to muse about my musical endeavors, but the technologist and cryptophile within me soon found it a home for much more than that. HIVE has always been a wonderful introduction to what web3 truly could be. Perhaps its selection bias or another form of bias, but I do enjoy this space, and find it a perfect fit for the articles I'm writing within this topic.

HIVE will be featured heavily in the writings as well. Exploring ecosystems is the idea, HIVE is no exception. I will be discussing many other cryptos as well, but there is a special place in my technological heart for HIVE.

Le̷d̴ger: articles of interest for the technology curious

Truly I would be remiss if I didn't mention another aspect of this endeavor. Writing these tech blogs draws interest to my creations as a whole, and establishes me as a technologically driven person. With life comes experience, and the drive to display those lived relationships between me and the digital world is a massive motivational factor for these writings.

So I suppose I'll wrap up this intro, this prelude to the series. Here is where I do my obligatory due diligence to the brand and ask for your subscription, likes, comments and especially shares. Every bit of it helps.

on trAV̸e̷r̶sE tomorrow:

A̷lgorand 01

on: A̷lgorand 01 is an introduction to the A̷lgorand ecosystem. Amongst other blockchains, A̷lgorand is one that I am familiar with the most. This article talks about the technology and gives a brief outline of what A̷lgorand is.

Nym: A̷mp̸h̵lux


Bookmarked for later reading.
