tR̶A̵Verș̵͒e - on: HIVE Blockchain, Attention Economy ¡~*~*PLUS MULTIPLE NFT GIVEAWAYS!*~*~!


on: HIVE Blockchain, Attention Economy

"A Digital Landscape Of A Futuristic Blockchain Interconnected Social Media Sea" post-moshed with StarryAI

Before we even dive in, here is the current giveaway NFT prizes. A majority of attention will be placed here and nowhere else throughout my articles, so know I love you and wish you well. Prizes will be distributed through different blockchain ecosystems because I'm publishing and promoting this 'zine through various channels.
There will be 4 prizes given to 4 winners, 3 sets of NFTs from HIVE/Splinterlands, and 1 set of NFTs from Algorand. Winners will need to send me their public addresses/opt into ASAs to receive the prizes.


HIVE Blockchain Splinterlands NFTs
  • 1x full set of lvl1 blue Untamed commons
  • 1x full set of lvl1 green Untamed commons
  • 1x full set of lvl1 black Untamed commons
Algorand Blockchain Alchemon NFTs
  • Alchemon 0049 Puff common
  • Alchemon 0067 Torr common
  • Alchemon 0070 Cyd common



Now that that is out of the way...

tR̶A̵Verș̵͒e - on: HIVE Blockchain & Attention Economy


Attention Economy, unabashedly giving away NFT wealth for follower interaction. tR̶A̵Verș̵͒e - on: Attention Economy and giving away NFT prizes for those sweet views.

I get so long winded when I type this stuff. I'm glad to have readership tuning in and caring about the words I'm writing down. Thank you for your attention; your support and interaction make blogging worth the effort.

With this post, I am hope to:
  • Bring readers to the HIVE ecosystem
  • Engage with my readers
  • Promote my brand, my blog and music

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A Writer Paying People To Read Her Digital Blogs About Blockchain Technology And Music, Living In An Attention Economy. StarryAI

Giving Wealth for Attention: Giveaways

Since attention is such a highly sought after commodity, it pays to pay to get eyes onto your content. Like baiting a fishing hook, giveaways are a fantastic way to reel people in. What better way to get crypto-enthusiasts than by giving away NFTs, especially on blockchains I particularly enjoy?

NFT art is cool, I've even created some here on HIVE as well as Algorand. But with these NFT giveaways I've decided to be more fun and give gaming NFTs away. I particularly enjoy Splinterlands on HIVE and I've been playing it for a while now. To me, Splinterlands has some of the best and craziest tokenomics I've seen from any blockchain gaming ecosystem.

Cross a digital river and explore Algorand, I came across Alchemon which seeks to be a game involving cute little animals evolving and fighting other cute little animals. I've never heard of such a concept before, but hey, I like the artwork. It has been developing during a bear season which is one of my metrics for whether a game will suck or not, and the website has constantly evolved. So here's to you, Alchemon.

Attention Economy

Often I wonder why... artists, musicians, creatives, why? Why do they do the things they do?

Why seek attention? Humans creating monuments, idols to Gods, expressing themselves through ritualistic music and dance, there are many reasons to create. Communication and social bonding is something humans require, and with a diverse range of human thought, creativity, art, music could be seen as divergent forms of novel communication.

Why give attention? In the ever expanding world of billions of human souls on this planet, the atomization of the individual, reading the expressions of one individual amongst a sea of individuals seems nearly as quaint and frivolous as expressing it. As the phrase shouting in the wind goes, does the wind care about the words shouted? The cacophony of turbulence destroys all value the words might have contained.

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Same Prompt. StarryAI

Immutable Expressions on the HIVE Blockchain

I've chosen HIVE to keep these articles for 2023. I enjoy the immutable aspects of the system, and the censor-resistance that HIVE blockchain offers. I've tried capturing attention with blogs in the past, getting little to no relevance with things like WordPress. There is a fantastic chance that I just dead-ass have bad topics or have horrible writing skills. Or it could be a matter of networking.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

HIVE has some really cool technical stuff powering the back end, but the key ingredient is something called a Distributed-Proof-Of-Staking system which is perfect suited HIVE. HIVE has intended to be a social media blockchain from the start. Hell, even before it's start. There's a huge story involving HIVE, Steemit, and Tron/TRX that I will be writing about in a future instà̴̼l̵͇̉ḷ̸̌ment. Just know H̶͚͛̏́̇IVE has a wide network of economy, many ecosystems distributed across a decentralized and highly autonomous blockchain.

1  A digital landscape of a futuristic blockchain.png

It's a curse for crea̴t̸i̸v̵es to get bored, craving the new, the novel, the un-expressed. Seeking a new form of 'blogging' to promote my music is what brought me to HIVE, and the complexity of the technical backend is what kept me here. It's my attempt to write where the audience I want reads. HIVE is sort of like a global collaborative online immutable magazine that anyone can write anything in, but topically follows certain narratives. It's an interesting place, for sure.

on traV̶̤́E̴̯͗RSe tomorrow:

IntR̶̮̋insic Value Analysis: V̵i̶d̶e̵o̷games

An article spawned from an explanation, leading to a novel wait to understand non-fungibility, this article talks about 'intrinsic wealth' and how to understand the value of something, even when it isn't clear.

When a discussion with my father turned into a discussion on the following:

"How on Earth could a mint condition videogame sell for $1.5m USD? Could it be purely a scam or is there any value or wealth to what or who the Mario character really is?"

trA̷verse: on trA̷verse: A series of musings, memoires and mementos gathered, garnered and gleaned from exploring new digital ecosystems. Born too late to explore the seas, born to early to explore O̵u̸t̷erSpace, born just in time to explore the Metav̷e̴rse̷.


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