She wanted her marriage to work, after all they promised each other for better and for worse.

In just three months after their wedding, the worst knocked on their door. She swore not to answer, but it forced itself inside. She then tried to push it away but it over-powered her.

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So for eight years she lived in misery. Her dear husband whom she swore to love till eternity became a thorn on her flesh. She told her parents, they advised her to try and conceive.

He will change if you give him a child

So she started pumping all of her savings towards getting proper care to be able to conceive. She took all manner of herbs and roots. The doctors told her that she was medically fit but her husband refused to get a proper checkup. After much begging and persuasions, he followed her to the hospital and there it was discovered that he was responsible for their childlessness. He was not producing enough sperm.

He was devasted and broken. She consoled him and didn't leave his side until he got better. She started praying and fasting for a miracle.

For with God Nothing is impossible

His verbal and physical abuse continued to the extent that she became ANGRY.

Angry with herself for subjecting her own life for such life of cruelty.

Angry with her parents for not supporting her to leave the marriage when she mentioned her fears to them at the early stage of her marriage.

Angry with her church pastors for all the bible passages and fasting he recommended to to use to cast the devil out of her marriage.

Angry that it took her this long to realise that her husband is the devil that need to be cast out of her life.

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She packed her things that very day and walked out of the marriage. Her parents called her a disgrace,she was the first to ever leave her husband's house in their family.

The church pastor sent her a long bible quote and explained that God will make her suffer for breaking the convenant of marriage.

Her ex husband married a new wife barely three months after she left to spite her and posted about how his life had suddenly been blessed beyond measure since his ex wife left his life. He bought a new car and moved into a new house.

She cried her eyes out and wondered if all they said about her were true.

Am I truly a failure, a disgrace and bad luck ?

She became Angry with the world and cut everyone off. All her focus went into rebranding herself and building herself up.

Five years later she was coming back from work in her newly acquired Bentley when she ran into an old friend.

Your ex-husband is in prison. He got a life sentence for murdering his wife in cold blood.

This post is in response to the #hiveleaners community contest week 26 edition on topic titled ANGER.



Her anger actually saved her, if she had stayed in that so called marriage just because she wanted her family, pastor and friends not to say ill things about her, she would have been the one buried instead of the second wife.

I'm sure when her parents heard about it, they would have been happy that their daughter Left him while she had the chance and the pastor would be ashamed of all the quote he sent to her. God actually saved her and I'm Happy she left the marriage. This is what many people surfer in their marriages but because they don't want to bring shame to their parents, they end up being the victim there.

I totally enjoyed your story, thanks for sharing with us.


Wowwww... First things first, I'm excited to see you posting again. It's been a while. Haha.

About the post, 'her anger' really saved her and she is right to be angry because there is only enough of such maltreatment that can be handled by people. She reached her breaking point and made the best choice she could have possibly made.

Now, she is living a better life without any dictator around her.


Her anger indeed saved her and she became a happy woman again after all she went through. Anger indeed can be destructive and useful depending on our approach to life
Thanks for sharing 👍👏🥰🥰
