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though I include and not exclude philosophy, since that is the very discipline which enables debate of theological nature
I don't exclude philosophy either. It enables us to make sense of factors and phenomenon. I just meant a philosophy without having belief on a superior being can never be enough.
But if you don't practise debating and letting the better arguer win, you won't want to debate.
Wanting a debate would mean to be ready to kill one's ego.
Even if we fall into an argument, most of us have the purpose of defending our point of view instead of understanding the truth. We become blind and deaf to other logical explanation and just focus on the points that have the potential to defend our position.
if they do not remain silent, he declares their words to be lawlessness.
Is it because Turkey is seen as a traitor and now wants to offer itself as an ally to nations like yours that see themselves as Muslim, but will not accept this offer if Turkey does not leave the EU, for example?
It might be the case, as Middle Easterns believe it that Turkey wants to offer itself as ally. They are not ready to see Turkish take the charge of Muslims again.
However, I think, while this political cause may be a reason, there is revival of Islam in the attitude of general public. (It's my assumption though. I haven’t been to Turkey ever, !LOLZ).
As you stated about being in dilemma and be not able to exclude one part from the other. It would have happened to Turkish people and they would have to make an attempt to take themselves out of the dilemma.
So far as seeing Turkey as a traitor is concerned, I don't know about other Muslim countries but here in my country we know nothing about the history in general. We neither know what Arabia did during world war 2, nor what Turkey went through. We just need a powerful representation for Muslims to fight with super powers for our rights. Turkey's revival of Islamic values gives here a hope. Well, I know this mind-set is based on merely superficial evaluation.
I perceived them as criminals and oppressing their wives and daughters.
It is quite unfortunate that Muslims, deviating from their core religious teachings, have fallen into the world of crime.
So far as oppeessing women is concerned, I understand why and how it happens. I witness it happening in my society.
As I stated before people just pick the bits and pieces without context and present it to be the truth. The same is the case in oppression scenrio.
Being a patriarchal society, we have picked certain teachings declaring men as superior and presented them as the whole religion. What rights for the other party are preserved by the religion are simply forgotten.
The actual Islamic teachings provide women empowerment to the level other nations might not have thought. For instance, it is the responsibility of the man to pay her wife for bearing his children, for feeding them with her breast, for doing the home chores. With these teachings if a woman choose to stay at home, she is still financially empowered.
The problem begins when we act like no such teachings exist.
This optession of women has lead to another radical position where the rights of women are presented as if they are the only existing rights, undermining the rights of men. The result is disharmony in the society.
The rise of feminism in its extreme form, where all the values are humiliated, is also a representation of this radicalism.
So, to meet each other as devout believers, rules itself out
Going to churches or mosques doesn't warrant devoutedness, does it?
I could say so much more, and you see that this is something which keeps me occupied
I am amazed by the level of knowledge you have and the way you represent it. 👌 I learn a lot from you and I am thankful to you for taking the time to have discussions of this level.
Have a nice day 😊
Ah, alright. Now I see. Good, that we are on the same terms.
This revival of Christianity in the West seems to be happening, as well. At least in the Internet. I cannot say that for my country, though, so hard to tell, yes.
Spot on.
Oh, that is interesting to read. I didn't know, that in your country that happened, as well. It's sad when men and women think their problems rise from being a man or being a woman.
LoL. No, it doesn't.
Thank you, too for having a conversation with me. I learned something to be in touch with you.
God bless you.
Yeah, it is sorrowful.
It's always a great pleasure to talk to you. An honour for me ❤️❤️