The Season is approaching the End

Every season of Splinterlands game is for almost two weeks and this is the time when we can try our best to play as many vital as possible depending upon the energy count. Energy is one of the restrictions that we have in place and with every battle we lose one energy count however we have the option to buy additional energy if we want to play more but at some point in time, there is also a restriction. It is not a type of game where we can play unlimited battles because everyone should get equal opportunity however if some players want to play slightly more then energy purchase can help them but again there has to be some restriction in place which is already there.


This Season

Now this season is approaching its end and from now the current season will be ending in 4 days approximately. I could not play much in the current season and this is why I'm still in the Diamond League however I will be trying my best to make it Champion League. Sometimes because of my busy schedule, it is difficult to play more battles but still, I am pretty sure that I will be able to unlock the Champion League no matter whether it is going to be Champion 3 or 2 depending upon whatever is the possibility. Champion one is not easy because the amazing players are there and it is difficult to compete with them with my current card set hence that is not the plan for me as of now but maybe in future. Since this season will be ending in four days which I think is a good amount of time that I can utilise to increase my league and get the slot in the Champion League.


Mana Warden Sale is Live

Now we already have the shop for vouchers. A shop where we can buy the car using voucher tokens and at a time there will be one card that is featured but this will not stay for a very long time hence we need to buy the card if we are interested. The current listed card is a common card that I have already purchased and I was lucky enough to get one gold card also. Getting a gold card is always great and every time we buy a bunch of cards then we expect some gold cards as well and in this case, one gold card is guaranteed if a total of 25 cards are purchased.


You can check out this option game if this card looks good to you and also keep on checking it from time to time because the team will continue to add more cards here that will allow us to use more voucher tokens and buy some valuable cards in the game.

SPS Power up

SPS is one of the tokens in the game which is highly undervalued this time and I have been trying to accumulate as much as possible even when the price was very high. We cannot predict the price in this market and since the beginning, I thought that it was 1 of the tokens that was going to bring a lot of value to the game and this is the reason why I continued my accumulation journey with this token. I wanted to have 200K SPS and I'm glad to share that I'm very much close to this. I have powered up whatever liquid tokens are available in the game account and these tokens are generated through the reward but I also keep on buying from the market from time to time to grow my holding faster.


Now I have powered up all these liquid tokens and here is what I hold in my game account as of now where the balance is 185K sps. I am approximately 15K tokens away from my goal of 200 k sps and I anticipate that this should be done before the year's end hopefully if the market continues to be like this. I am saying this because we can't say when the market is going to take a ride and that is when buying more will not be possible hence in the current market scenario I am trying to grab the opportunity and buy SPS tokens whenever it is possible for me.



Now I'll be focusing more on the siege to increase my league and unlock the champion. Currently, I am getting a glimpse of 8.34X but it will drop once I enter the Champion League and this is why I am trying to have more SPS so that I am going to get a higher boost even when I enter the Champion League because this is the key for in-game rewards.

Snapshots taken from

Thank you

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It was a long and eventful season on my side
Have a great last day of Competition in the arena


Without Vouchers:Energy I must say my daily battles have been significantly reduced.

This means I must focus on making the most from each battle and ensuring I spend the Glint appropriately!

Gone are the days of punching out 100 Battles just because vouchers were super cheap and we could spam them for Energy right :P


Gone are the days of punching out 100 Battles just because vouchers were super cheap and we could spam them for Energy right :P

Yes and now I don't think that we are going to get cheap vouchers as now this token has got nice utility.


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