La Paz del General (esp-eng)


Sus temores eran infundados. El general no llegó armado ni con intenciones de pelear. La tensión de los últimos días parecía desaparecer, y el general, con calma en la cara y tristeza en el corazón, avanzaba por el campo de batalla. Una distancia kilométrica los separaba como dos mundos totalmente distintos, pero sabía que en realidad compartía más de lo que prefería con su enemigo. Lenta y solemnemente se acercó a la mesa donde su homólogo de otro bando lo esperaba. Solo pudo ver una sonrisa en su rostro que a ratos le parecía tan verdadera como la de sus hijos pequeños; quizás fue un pensamiento influido por la corta edad que tenía. Con un gesto solemne y calmado sacó del bolsillo delantero de su camisa un papel, algo sucio y doblado en cuatro. Lentamente lo colocó sobre la mesa.

—Es la paz —dijo—, ya no hay nada por qué pelear. Me entrego como garantía. Solo quiero la seguridad de mi pueblo y volver a ver a mi esposa e hijos. No tienen que morir más hermanos.

—Aceptamos su propuesta, fue la mejor decisión aceptar nuestras condiciones. Puede marcharse.

El general respiró profundo, viró la espalda y volvió por el mismo camino que apenas unos minutos atrás había recorrido. Las lágrimas corrieron por sus ojos, confundiéndose con el sudor de una tarde de agosto. Su primera derrota, después de una larga vida al servicio de su país. Pensó en su esposa, en su hijo, y en su hermano caído. Pensó que no necesitaba la gloria, necesitaba ser feliz.

The General's Peace (esp-eng)

Their fears were unfounded. The general did not arrive armed or with any intention of fighting. The tension of the last few days seemed to disappear, and the general, with calm in his face and sadness in his heart, advanced across the battlefield. A distance of miles separated them like two totally different worlds, but he knew that he actually shared more than he preferred with his enemy. Slowly and solemnly he approached the table where his counterpart from the other side was waiting for him. He could only see a smile on his face that at times seemed to him as true as that of his young children; perhaps it was a thought influenced by his young age. With a solemn and calm gesture he took out of the front pocket of his shirt a piece of paper, somewhat dirty and folded in four. Slowly he placed it on the table.

-It is peace,” he said, ”there is nothing left to fight about. I give myself as a guarantee. I only want the safety of my people and to see my wife and children again. No more brothers have to die.

-We accepted his proposal, it was the best decision to accept our conditions. You may leave.

The general took a deep breath, turned his back and walked back the same way he had walked just a few minutes before. Tears ran down his eyes, mingling with the sweat of an August afternoon. His first defeat, after a long life in the service of his country. He thought of his wife, his son, and his fallen brother. He thought he didn't need glory, he needed to be happy.

📸 Foto de Gary Butterfield en Unsplash
