Trials Of Mercy ~ The Fight For Peace | Randall Breaks The Gentleman's Code...

Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well.

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Today, I will share the rest of the adventure made by Michonne, Pete, and Samantha in this dense forest as their pursuers were ever close to getting them.

Without further ado, let's begin!


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Michonne asks Zachary for help to escape the place and he in turn asks David if they could also the the place. David agreed and the only thing left to do was to bust out Pete who was being interrogated on the deck of Norma's ship. Zach diverted the guards outside while Mkchonne made her way to the deck and Sam took a sniper's position ready to strike should Randall or Norma pose a threat. Sam shot Norma and Michonne beat the shit out of Randall before bsting out Pete. They crossed a few boats before they were surrounded when Michonne had a brilliant idea of stealing a boat before Pete could go ahead with his stupid idea of surrendering which would've allowed the others to escape to safety. Unfortunately, they were met with a herd of zombies on the shore while their pursuers were on the water, shooting from a distance. Michonne thought of using 2 walkers and using them as camouflage to walk through the herd until Randall and Norma made it to the shore and shot their escort. They ran and walked until they came to a telecom tower that had fallen over. They climbed it but were caught up by Randall who shot Sam. Michonne carried her and she directed them toward her home. Their mother was in shock and did not trust them at first but let them in after Michonne somehow convinced her. Later, she used a burning crowbar to close in the bullet wound after getting it out of her using pliers while her parents and Pete held her down. After this, Michonne suddenly had a flashback.

This Time Starts With A Flashback

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She roams her daughter's room and finds a color spill. She follows it outside.

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That led her to a cordless phone that had rung but she could not pick it up. I decided to redial but the people on the other end were nowhere to go. She checked the surroundings when she found a silhouette moving past her door.

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Just then, the phone rang and the people outside her apartment were going further away, slowly. I had to make a choice: either pick up the phone or get the person outside. I decided to ask the person outside what was happening since they could hint at what was happening.

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The lady was in a rush as she held her newborn and dashed through the hall. Michonne asked her if she had seen her daughters, she did know them but she didn't see them. The time she saw them was also the morning before the order of evacuations came up.

Current Time

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The lady was watching over Michonne and asked who she was talking with... Michonne didn't answer and asked how Sam was. The lady said that she felt better and also wanted to apologize to them for behaving the way she did at the gates. She also says that Sam's mother offed herself a year ago, she had a heart disease.

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Moments later, a wail could be heard. Michonne and Paige ran toward Sam's room and found her, conscious. She was remembering everything, slowly.

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John asked Michonne to step outside for a chat. He asked if she had children... 2 little daughters, Michonne said. A mutual understanding had formed. He went on to show the grave of his late wife and told how his wife was killed.

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He went on to express his reason to live until he was offed in the worst way possible. Who shot? Randall had other henchmen with him and surrounded the entrance. Michonne dived to cover before running back to the house. And, that is how the men infiltrated the home.

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The men spread out in the garden, unaware of traps laid out as a trap for foxes. One of them got caught and Michonne didn't let it slide. With one clean strike, her blade went through his abdomen.

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They later fought for the flare gun he pulled out, it was shot in his face as Michonne and him had struggled for it.

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In the distance, she found Randall fighting Paige for the gun. She took this opportunity as well and crept up behind them.

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Randall smacked her machete and punched her and Paige out of his way. That's when Pete slid in from behind and held him. Michonne got some good punches before Randall threw Pete in the back and climbed on top of Michonne.

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After much fistfights, Michonne finally broke Randall.

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Pete and Paige helped cuff his hands to a meat smothered. Michonne asked Randall about Norma knowing his location. Randall said no and that if she knew, there would've been another knock on her door right about now.

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Suddenly, Randall's mic spoke. It was from Norma. I made Randall answer and hoped he would quash any suspicion.

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However, the bastard had other plans. He said to Norma that Michonne was keeping him company, and just then I cut off the Mic. Randall told me that he did what I had asked, he checked in on his situation. I tightened the vice and squashed his hands. Norma called from the other side, I decided to talk to Norma woman to woman. I asked Norma to see if there was a good surgeon nearby when she threatened to do stuff to Michonne and the others. She cursed and told them that they were coming with everyone they had.

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Randall threatened to kill everyone there once Norma got there with the wrench that lay beside him. First Paige, then Sam, and then the kids. I decided to hit Randall instead of tightening the vice as his fingers were already done for.

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Sam and Alex entered the garage and saw Randall in his sorry state. Randall couldn't keep his mouth shut and blabbed about their brother's condition... he had holes in his eyes. That made Alex run inside the house. Michonne said that he was a valuable bargaining chip and that Norma simply wanted her brother. Sam threatened to kill him for what he did to his brother and walked inside.

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Everyone left the garage door and Michonne was the only one keeping guard on him. Randall tried his hardest to make things worse between the people inside and Norma. I held onto the hope that things could still be made better if allowed.

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When she didn't budge from the side of light, he tried to instigate her using her children, again. Because he made things personal, I had to choose to either end him there and then or continue the path of peace and hope that things turn okay for her, Pete, and the remaining family of Sam. I chose to drop the wrench.


And that's it for the episode today. I am hopeful that Norma will listen to reason and will not succumb to vengeance. For our defense, he shot the father of the kids when he was unarmed. Moreover, I believe that I could've done things differently. I think I might do a rerun and do them so as I am not as satisfied with the outcomes...

My Choices For The Episode

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And now I regret not ending Randall then and there... also I also had to see what would've happened had I picked up the phone instead of the stranger outside. I also didn't reveal to Paige is I had attempted suicide... and only 47% of the players showed him mercy that should've not been shown...

Video Gameplay

Thank you guys for reading this far, see you legends on the next one!

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