Playing In The Gold Leagues ~ The Acidic Vanquish | 41 Kills With Over 19k DAMAGE

Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well.



Today, I will share an epic battle that I just had to share on the great platform. It had all the elements of brutality, tactics, and most importantly, the ego challenges.

Without further ado, let's begin!

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The Map and People

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The map was at Paraiso and I was the tank. I did not have any friends with me this time and boy was it about to get hard since we were all random to one another and the team with the better teamwork shall win.
The match rank ranged from Gold V to Gold I.

The First Round

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The first round went for almost 10 minutes and one of my DPS was lacking in kills while their team was spot on.
I had the highest damage and Damage Negation while their DPS had the highest kill. I also had the lowest kills on my team.

The Second Round

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We lost in the second round as the time ran out and we only had to cover the distance of a speck of hair. One of our teammates died before the rest of the team could show up and that's how the entire structure of the attack fell apart. That guy really wanted to prove himself but ultimately became a burden.
I could not retain the highest damage title, the enemy tank took it. My team had the higher overall healing while his DPS had a higher combined damage.

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Video Gameplay

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