From Captain Of The Crew To Captives Of The Boat ~ Michonne Is Brewing Chaos | The Walking Dead DLC ~ Michonne Series


Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well.

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Today, I will share the adventures of Michonne on the abandoned island where a frequency they picked up was potentially emitted from there.

Without further ado, let's begin!


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The game starts with a flashback of Michonne in the city during the apocalypse. We see how her memory was distorted and the primary feature of it was her children who she could not protect. Later, we find her on a boat with 4 other members and 2 more on the shore without communication. She asks for work from her colleague and gets a place on the radio station where she hears a faint cry for help. She and Pete ask the others to try and help the needy woman out there when they suddenly get stuck. On further examination, they find themselves entangled with another ship. Pete and Michonne decide to explore a nearby building on the shore while the others set their boat out of the mess and hope that the mission will not have to turn into a rescue mission. Moments after they reached the shore, a horde of walkers rose from the depths of the sea and pursued them. They made it safely inside a bunker with recently executed people after a closer examination.

This Time

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Michonne and Pete explore further and find a walker strung in front of a door. He was probably left there when he was alive. It was the entrance to Mobjack Cafe, a potential place of supply. With the machete, she took away the suffering. With 2 more hacks, she cut the ropes and put the deceased aside.

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She opened the door and found a duffle bag on the counter. Naturally, they decided to check it out. She asked Pete to be on guard, no way someone would just leave a bag full of supplies and run away from it.

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On further exploration, she found a vending machine that would not work. And, a jar of candies she would not share with him.

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A faint shifting noise came from inside the locker. Michonne and Pete stood in front, ready to pounce on the person inside. I decided to call out on the persona and show we meant no harm.

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The guy instantly became defensive and shot in the corner to mean business as he instructed her and Pete to step aside. From the other door came a lady with a gun. She asked if Greg, the mystery man in the cabinet, was okay.

I made Michonne ask that they leave the bag to them. They would not let up when suddenly another wave of zombies barged into the room.

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Michonne, with a swift strike, chopped off the head of the walker approaching her.

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She sliced 3 more before lodging it into one. So, she grabbed the cash register and used it after years of abandonment. In the end, she also saved Greg's life.

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Sam tried to run with the Duffle bag but I made Michonne grab the duffle since it would help out everyone back in the boat, the supplies being short.

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From the door came in another lady, with a bigger gun and called out to a man named Randall.

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Randal instantly asked his lackeys to cover the entrances and pointed out that the zombies on the floor were killed smoothly. I made Michonne say that they were not with Sam but that he didn't care and grabbed everyone. He said that they were taking them to Norma.

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At the boat, she asked why was she the way she was, if it was the loss of a family member. Randall asked if it was because of the kids and laughed at the fact that she was a mother. I made Michonne spit on his face.

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They reach the floating city and that's where she meets the head lady of the place, Norma. Randall warned about Michonne being a dangerous one among the others, Norma asked if she was a danger to them. She replied that she had nothing against them. So, Normal asked the ladies to be taken to the store room.

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Inside the storeroom, Sam tries to make conversation with Michonne but she is more into finding ways to cut their ropes. She looks to the far right and sees the silhouettes of her children. She apologizes to them but Sam takes it as an apology to her, she didn't clear up the misunderstanding. And finally, they have a normal conversation about their past.

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Moments later, Samantha finds a way to break free and the effort is rewarded. She asked if they should break out then. I told them that it was not the time and that the guards were going to be on point as there were new prisoners there. Sam had some qualms but agreed to follow Michonne.

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Randall entered and affirmed my decision was right. He brought me to Norma where she questioned me and as a peace offering, I agreed to take a sip. She moved on to ask why were we there, how we met Sam, and if there was anyone else in the group.

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Michonne asked if Norma met Vanessa and Rashid. She denied their whereabouts since she did not know them or captured them. She added that she merely wanted to care for people who have nothing. Michonne asked what she charged them, and what they had to give up.

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And that was the end of the first interrogation. Norma brought out Greg and made Michonne ask a few questions before Randall threw a punch at his face for not complying.

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He got caught for lying about being family. Next, Norma asked if they were from the same group which Michonne didn't answer the first time. So, Randall pointed his gun at Greg's head and demanded an answer. I made her say that they were of the same group and thus she received a punch and a kick from Randall.

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Greg had pissed his pants when Randall put a gun on his head so everyone went to get them a towel. Greg asked if she was okay. Michonne replied she was and that Norma would do anything to get what they wanted, even kill them if necessary.

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And, the one person they came out with did surprise me. It was Pete and now they were about to interrogate him alone. Normal stayed behind while Randall and Zacchay would escort Greg and Michonne to a clear room.

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The room belonged to Zachary and Jonas(doctor). They also had the nicest part of the ship as he was a doctor. Randall ousted him easily as Zachary, his boyfriend, asked him to refrain from arguing.

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Randall cussed Zachary and pointed out that he was too soft. Michonne saw a chance to make him angry with Zachary and told him that he should not be so rough with their own people.

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Randall saw how Michonne was moving so he handed his gun to Zachary and tasked him to make the kids talk. Michonne tried to warn him about holding his gun, but Randall chimed in and said Michonne was right about handling the gun.

That sort of back-and-forth conversation escalated, and Randall agitated Zachary more as Michonne tried to calm things which made him make a fatal mistake.

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Zachary pulled the trigger which ricocheted off the metal body and toward Greg. He and Randall left the room leaving Michonne and Sam in the room, locked. Michonne found a way to cut her cuffs and Sam followed. Then, they laid him out and before long he turned! Michonne grabbed a screwdriver and jammed it multiple times in his eye, ending his suffering.

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Zachary entered the room and Michonne without hesitation punched him in the face, his gun lay on the ground and Sam aimed it at him.

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I wouldn't stop her if she decided to shoot him, he did kill her brother but I stopped her for reasons unknown.


And that's it for the episode. I now realize that I'd been a fool. I should've ended him then. This development is new considering how Clementine had moved after her separation from Christa. I am expecting an intense action-packed movement since I believe that we are about to escape from the place.

All Choices In Episode 1

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Video Gameplay

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Michonne looks like a different person in this game than the movie series. I'm watching the finale of the latest season where Rick and Michonne fights together.


I haven't watched the series yet so I guess I have something new to look forward to but there are a lot of seasons there. Does it ever get boring or do they retain the viewers' attention throughout the series?


To be honest, it gets boring over time as they have a lot of seasons but if you like the concept, you'll stick to it like I did.
