Escaping A Floating Dungeon To Running From The Beasts Of The Land | Then We Got Shelter At Samantha's House With All The Siblings And Parents

Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well.

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Today, I will share with you the next segment of Michonne's life after she got entangled with the wrong set of public through sheer chance.

Without further ado, let's begin!


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The episode concluded when I stopped Saam from exacting revenge on Zachary as Zachary, inadvertently, shot Greg in the chest. It was not exactly Zach's fault as Randall was pushing him while Michonne tried to calm things down. Randall brought Greg, Michonne, and Sam to David's room when they brought Pete to the deck for questioning after Randall and Norma fact-checked Greg and Michonne. None of this would've happened if Sam and Michonne hadn't fought over the duffle bag at the abandoned bunker where a signal was emitting from.

This Time

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Michonne had a choice: either accept his kind gesture for saving his life or refuse it for killing an innocent person. I decided to take it since he was trying to atone for it. I made Michonne ask for his help to escape from the place, and he agreed.

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David came inside the room and was shaken. Zachary told him he had promised to lead Michonne and the others captured to escape from the place and that they should also disappear from there. David looked at Greg's body and decided he would leave the place for good.

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Seeing how happy David and Zachary were, Sam understood that Michonne stopping her was the right course of action that took place and thanked her for it.

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Michonne and Sam hid from the guards around the ship and went to the deck where Pete was still cuffed. She picked up her machete but unfortunately, Norma caught her while she was about to cut off Pete's cuffs.

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Norma asked Randall to sound the alarm while she asked Michonne about Sam. I made her say that Sam was headed for the shores. Norma asked me to lower my machete, I didn't drop it and that's when Sam took the shot at her.

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Randall sprang into action. Michonne gave him some well-deserved beating. Sadly, someone saw this happen from afar and sounded the alarm.

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They boarded a ship unnoticed while the entire floating city guards looked for them.

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Soon, they found themselves surrounded by guards as they hid inside a cabin. Pete decided to be a martyr so that the ladies could escape. I stopped Pete as I knew that letting him go would absolutely result in his death.

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Next, we see Michonne run out of the room and shoot toward a barrel of explosive material. They were safe as they jumped out of the boat, this attracted a lot of people but it didn't matter as they were close to a speedboat they could use.

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And again they were spotted by a guard. This time, Pete did the task of knocking her off board.

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They left the floating city in flames as they drove to the safety of the shore.

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The vibe of freedom did not last long as a party of the dead was heading toward the living. To make things worse, the people from the city shot a flare toward their location that originally attracted the walkers and shot a few rounds of bullet in the hopes of killed their captives.

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Fortunately, Michonne had the perfect plan. She once used two zombies and used them to clear a safe path to safety. This time too she was doing the same. At first, she cut off their arms and mouths so that they couldn't grab or bite her. Then, she tied a rope around their neck and pushed it forward.

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And... the plan was perfect. The zombies were fooled and made it out of the shore with the skin of their teeth. Once they were near the deep woods, Randall and Norma came on shore with guns and shot the zombies they were using as camouflage.

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The 4 made it deep into the woods and found a tower fallen over the mountainside. Once they climbed this, they would have a huge distance between them and Norma's party.

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Naturally, they had a close encounter with death as Michonne almost fell off the place. Their pursuers were near them, Randall shot at the people climbing it and somehow grazed Samantha.

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As they made it to the top, they found that the leaning instruction was about to fall and so they all jumped to safety leaving the hunters below them with no way to climb back up there.

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Through the thick forest, they somehow managed to find a bungalow. Sam's situation was getting worse but all she managed to think about was how she would explain Greg's death to her father.

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Naturally, the inhabitants were alarmed at the development outside their house but once she saw Sam she asked them to leave her on the ground and go. Michonne said they were being chased by another group and that Sam trusted them with the location of her home. That got the lady with the big gun to open the door.

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Only after she laid her down, we can see that the bullet was still inside Sam. Michonne grabbed the vodka and used it to sterilize the wound.

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She handed the aspirator to the lady and asked her to draw out the blood. After that, Michonne used the Pliers to grab the bullet out of her.

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A last trouble remained, the wound was still opened with no bandage in the area. To cauterize it, she asked the lady to give her the heated bar of metal. It had to be cauterized.

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Sam's father showed up after the first heat. He moved the little boy and held her daughter down as Michonne was getting ready to cauterize the wound for a second time.

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The father was angry at the newcomers for the state of their daughter, Michonne said that she merely carried her daughter through the infested forest to them. James. the little kid pointed out that Greg was with them. That's when Michonne said he didn't make it.

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Michonne saw a toy that looked eerily similar to the one her daughter had. She picked it up and instantly she was taken to a flashback to her apartment where she used to live.


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The room was a mess but more importantly, it was empty.


And that's all for the adventure for one day. My god, the nerves of steel Michonne had to get out of one dire situation after another. The game devs made an amazing story with her, and her complexity with her children makes it all the more relatable for most adults today; how they would cope with the loss of their child amid an apocalypse. I know for a fact that Randall and his group will make it there, I really want Michonne and Sam to live and hope that the devs don't make another "Lee" situation.

Video Gameplay

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This TWD game is one of the best I could play in its time, without a doubt the decision making and plot twists are very good.


True. This is one of a kind and I kinda hoped it would have more seasons in the game. Alas, this is the last one, and after this... I will have to take some break to process the end of it.


I feel kinda meh about this. Although I do like the Mini series I don't really like where it fits into TWD comic timeline!


I don't really like where it fits into TWD comic timeline!

I'm sure you remember what the protagonists were trying to do in the main series, they wanted to get out in the ocean. So, the devs decided to give a view of the people who were there from the beginning and their struggles at the ocean, dealing with pirate-like organizations


Oh I remember but I don't like that Michonne never talked about what she went through during those episodes in the comics


Down the series, she opens up to people and the players get to choose whether she trust her background with the others or not.
