A Vicious Fight thorugh The Mud | Splinterlands X Battle Mage Secrets

Hello, splinter-warriors. I hope you are doing well.



Today, I will share with you guys a battle that comes under the event of Battle Mage Secrets where my opponent and I battle each other with the highest ferocity, literally.

Without further ado, let's begin!


Battle Conditions

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The mana cap is 58 and there are 4 summoners to choose from: Nature, Life, Death, and Dragon. With such a huge mana cap, any summoner could be used to make a solid deck.

Battle Rules:-

  • Lost Magic: No monster with magic damage may be used.
  • Opportunity: All monsters are granted the opportunity ability.
  • Silenced Summoners: Summoner buffs or debuffs cannot be applied in battle.

I chose the death summoner since I have amazing monsters in the arsenal while my opposition went with the dragon summoner.

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Battle Details

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Let's start from my side:

Tank: Harklaw(Ability: Shield, Immunity, Demoralize).

Melee Attackers: Arachne Thug(Ability: Reach, Trample), Cursed Windeku(Ability: Thorns, Heal), Disintegrater(Ability: Demoralise, Trample), Night Ghoul(Ability: Taunt), Mantaroth(Ability: Shield, Armoured Strike).

My strategy was to decrease the opposition's monsters' melee damage by 2. That is why I used both Disintegrater and Harklaw. Next, I placed two monster shield abilities. That way, the incoming damage would be further reduced by half; should he use ranged attackers their damage would be halved while the melee attackers would do 0 damage if their original damage is less than or equal to 3. With *Windeku's self-healing ability, he should be able to survive longer should he come into the tank's position.

The overall damage per round is 18 per round and a healing of 3 should Windeku sustain damage. Adding in the damage from the armored strike of Mantaroth where he throws his active shield at the enemy tank, it comes to 21 damage per round.

Now for the opposition:

Tank: Djnn Chwala(Ability: Thorns).

Melee Attackers: Carnage Titan(Ability: Reach, Double Strike), Disintegrater(Ability: Demoralise)

Ranged Attacker: Supply Runner(No Ability), Goblin Tower(Ability: Blast), Venari Seedsmith(Ability: Scavenger).

His strategy was a bit bizarre since he had a lot of hope in me having a weird combination of monsters in my deck. He used the Djinn as a deterrent for the opposition tank, as it had high shield it could withstand high damage and do thorns damage in return. He used Titan right behind the tank in hopes of dealing a damage of 6! He also wanted the opposiion's melee damage reduced by 1, that's why he used Disintegrater. Then, he used Goblin Tower to make use of it's blast damage and do greater damage. Lastly, he used Seedsmith to scavenge all fallen monsters' HP and do a decent damage of 2.

His overall damage per round is 18 damage per round with the blast damage included.

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Major Events

Round 1

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At the first half of the first round, Seedsmith gets taken out since it had the lowest HP, it got targetted, according to the rules of Opportunity.

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At the end of the first round, his Goblin Tower fell making it a 6 v 4 with him losing badly at the start.

Round 2

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At the end of the second round, his other ranged monster fell while all my other monsters stood tall and thus his chance of pulling it toward his side subsided.

Round 3

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His Disintegrater falls, that way all my melee attackers regain their full potential and can now do damage of the highest degree.

Round 4

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Next, his Titan falls along with my Night Ghoul,making it a 5 v 1.

Round 5

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And, at the start of the fifth and last round, his Djinn fell and he could not fully damage Harklaw thanks to my double damage decrease strategy.



In my opinion, the moments I saw his deck, I was 80% sure that his deck would fall. It saw that it did not have much of a debuff and mainly focused on attack which I reduced by 2 at the start of the game. That way, it was only a matter of time since his monster could not attack me from the front or the back; an impenetrable wall that isn't disintegrating anytime soon.

Battle Link

Battle Link

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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

