5 Minute Freewrite///Prompt: Ocean Travel



Kennedy and Bella been friends for a long time. They were both 27 years old and had established jobs and were well off financially. One day, Bella suggested to Kennedy that they should just leave everything and travel the world with Bella's family boat. It was a brilliant idea. They got a year off from their jobs and started to prepare for the trip very quickly.

After a few months, they already visited a few countries, and it was really fun for the both of them. They learned a lot about themselves and the sea. They learned how to control the boat in stormy weathers and how to live on the boat and feed themselves.

After 6 months, Kennedy started to miss everything back home, and proposed that they get back home, because she was feeling homesick. Bella was against this, because she wanted to be away from her family and just enjoy her time in the sea. After a stormy incident, they decided to get back home. They've been through stormy weathers before, but this one was different and difficult to get through. They took it as a sign from the universe that they should get back home.

When they got back home, they heard that one of Bella's close relative, the one who owned the boat, has gotten sick and no one is there for her. So, Kennedy and Bella decided to take care of her, because they had 6 more months to themselves. But unfortunately, she died, but she knew how much Kennedy and Bella were attached to the boat, so she left them the boat. This made Kennedy and Bella very happy.
