5 Minute Freewrite///Prompt: Not surprising



When Luna grew up to be a young woman, she suspected that she was adopted, because there were no baby pictures of her or any pictures up until she was seven in the family album. She didn't look like her parents either, that made Luna suspect that she is adopted even more. She wanted her biological parents in her graduation party. This was her dream.

Luna was determined to find out the truth, and she kept asking her parents questions about this. However, her parents would say “this is just nonsense, and you are our daughter”. Luna didn't believe them, and she kept delving deeper into this. But, she couldn't find anything, not a trace was found.

One day, the family were playing a board game and Luna's uncle was there, and it slipped from him that she was in fact adopted. Luna was not surprised at that moment. This made her more determined to find her biological parents. After much search, she found them. They were poor, and they had to give up on her for her to have a better life than what they were able to provide for her.

She asked them to be present at her graduation, but they refused. Luna was dissppointed, she thought they will become happy, but they didn't. They were like strangers to her.

When Luna's adopted parents saw how her biological parents reacted to Luna's request, they told her, “We did not want you to be disappointed, that's why we kept it hidden and never told you that you were adopted.”

Luna understood their excuse, but kept visiting her biological parents and helped them financially.
