What's a Good APR to Earn on Hive?
As a user in #hive ecosystem what percentage is good to earn, What percentage of earning is good to be satisfied working in the #hive platform.
We all know that this platform is the best way of earning money while sharing your blogs and also to perform other activities. There are different users who are earning money with different APR's depending upon the work and their investment.
One thing is clear that in the #hive platform investment matters alot. A user who have more invested in #hive will surely earn lot of money with highest APR. Because they will have many ways to use their hive power and to generate income.
Similarly, there are many users as well who are earning decent amount of money without having invested. They are the ones who are showing their best skills and also doing hard work to earn money.
There are users who spend half of the day writing contents and this is absolute that giving time and making hard effort for writing content will bring you upvotes.
Therefore, earning money is possible with investing and without investing. But without investment it needs more effort as compared to the users who have invested money.
In my country 20% APR earning is very common now. If I put my money in banks I will easily get 20% APR profit. So, my need is at least to earn 20% APR from the hive ecosystem.
This percentage of profit will help me earn good money and also to meet my monthly expenses. Luckily, my hard effort and consistency helps me earn 20% APR.
Therefore, I think at least 20% APR is enough for the hive users to be satisfied with the ecosystem.
What are your earnings in the Hive platform? Do you think 20% earning will be enough to meet monthly expenses easily? Will be glad to see your answers in the comment section.
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Best Wishes.