The Ultimate Vegetable for Health and Hydration

Cucumber is a popular vegetable which has very good taste and is full of water. The good thing about this vegetable is that this comes with only one family which means that it has not other kinds. Just like other vegetables such as Tomatoes, Onions, Carrots and others have different kinds which found in other regions.

Cucumber is same all over the world with oval shape and green in color. This vegetable is cheaper than other and is very beneficial for health. This vegetable is more famous in my country and people use this in Salads.

This is very necessary item in our dishes specially in Salads, This is because my country is very warm and the nature of this vegetable is cold. So this vegetable is more good to eat in hot season. People of my country use this as regular foods and enjoy it most.


One of the ways Pakistani eat this vegetable is by making LASSI ( yogurt mixed with water). They add cucumber smaller pieces in LASSI and mix it well and enjoy its drink. This is a refreshing snack because of its water and the best time to eat is around 11AM morning.

Sometimes we feel thirsty but dont like to drink water that time you can eat cucumber which has taste as well will maintain your body water level. This vegetable is best used in summer season and has numerous health benefits.

1. This vegetable is because full of water it is best for the body to stay hydrated and help the body parts to function well.

2. Along with having water this vegetable is also full of minerals and vitamins. Which is helpful to boost immune system, improve bone health and many more.

3. This vegetable is antioxidant, therefore it will protect you from cancer disease and heart disease. People who are facing these diseases must eat cucumber the most so that to cure their disease.

4. This vegetable also contains fiber which is helpful for the digestive system. Whenever you see that you have digestive issue eat some slice of cucumber will help you improve your digestive system.

5. In addition, this vegetable is good to refresh your breath and give freshness inside the mouth.

There are other more benefits of this vegetable but I shared some of the important ones. The purpose of sharing the benefits of this vegetable is to motivate people to eat these vegetables which have many health benefits.

If we use these vegetables on regular basis and with proper use then you will be always away from doctors. using vegetables with proper timing will always remain you fit and healthy.

What do you people think about Cucumber vegetable, do you like this? Do you think eating these vegetables are the best cure of many health diseases? Will be glad to see your answer in the comment below.

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