Are you tired before normal work time? How to overcome the deficiency of Vitamin B-12?

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Friends, there are many people like us who are deficient in Vitamin B-12 and I am also one of them. There are 45% people in India who suffer from Vitamin B-12 deficiency. Vitamin B-12 plays a very important role in our body and its deficiency can cause a lot of harm to us, hence it is very important to treat it as soon as possible. Because most of the people in India are vegetarian, there is a deficiency of Vitamin B-12 in India. The source of Vitamin B-12 for Indians is milk and milk products like curd, paneer and cheese. Cobalt present in water is very important in producing Vitamin B-12 in the body, but the amount of cobalt in water is less, hence it is better to drink water with multi-mineral water.

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Before doing treatment, we need to know what symptoms will be there in our body by which we will know that there is deficiency of Vitamin B-12 in our body. So let me tell you how to recognize Vitamin B-12 deficiency.

  • If you get tired more quickly than usual while working, it could be due to Vitamin B-12 deficiency.

  • If you have an irritable temper, it could also be due to Vitamin B-12 deficiency.

  • You will face problems in your memory power.

  • If you remain in one position for too long, your hands or feet will start tingling.

  • Dizziness

  • Your digestive power will feel changed.

It is said that prevention is better than cure. Therefore, if you do not overcome the deficiency of Vitamin B-12 on time, then it is possible that you may have to face even more problems in the future.

  • Your hair may start falling out.

  • Increased level of homocysteine ​​in the blood can cause heart disease or paralysis.

  • Memory can fade away quickly with increasing age.

  • The immune power to fight diseases may decrease due to which you may have to fight with infections as well.

  • The levels of white blood cells, procalcitonin, serum protein and MCV in your blood may also increase.

  • If the pregnant mother is deficient in Vitamin B-12, the baby may also have problems.

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How to overcome the deficiency of Vitamin B-12?

The amount of Vitamin B-12 in the body is 160 to 950 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL).

Drink multi-mineral water.

  • Eat more red colored fruits.

  • If you do not say non-veg then you will have to go towards more red colored fruits and medical management.

  • In medical management, you have to take 1000 micro gram injection of Methylcobalamin for 4 weeks and then you can take one every month.

  • If you do not want to take injections, you can take one 1500 microgram tablet of Methylcobalamin every day.

Deficiency of Vitamin B-12 can bring many diseases in the body and deficiency of Vitamin B-12 can also be life threatening. Therefore, maximum attention should be paid to B-12 and the deficiency of B-12 should be compensated.

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