The Top 5 Weirdest Phobias You Didn't Know Existed


Phobias are a part of life, but have you ever heard of some of the most bizarre ones out there? From the fear of long words (Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia) to the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth (Arachibutyrophobia), people are afraid of some truly strange things. But let's take a closer look at some of the top 5 weirdest phobias you've probably never heard of.

First on the list is Pogonophobia - the fear of beards. Now, we all know that beards can be a little intimidating, especially if you're trying to grow one yourself and it just isn't cooperating. But to have a full-blown phobia about them? That's next level. Just imagine going to a job interview and the person interviewing you has a magnificent beard - you'd be sweating bullets and wishing you had never left the house that day.

Next up, we have Venustraphobia - the fear of beautiful women. Now, this one may sound a little crazy, but let's be honest, we've all been a little intimidated by someone who's drop-dead gorgeous. But to be absolutely terrified of them? That's a whole other level of social anxiety. Can you imagine walking down the street and being so afraid of beautiful women that you have to cross to the other side of the road? Talk about awkward.

Moving on, we have Nomophobia - the fear of being without your phone. Now, this one might hit a little close to home for some of us. We've all had that feeling of panic when we realize we left our phone at home or when our battery dies and we're left without a connection to the outside world. But to have a legitimate phobia about it? That's some serious attachment issues.

Fourth on the list is Turophobia - the fear of cheese. Yes, you read that right. There are people out there who are genuinely afraid of cheese. Whether it's the texture, the smell, or just the thought of it, these people will avoid cheese at all costs. Can you imagine being at a party and the host offers you a delicious cheese plate, only to have you run screaming from the room? That's a party foul if I've ever heard one.

And last but not least, we have Genuphobia - the fear of knees. Now, this one might seem a little odd, but let's not judge. We all have our quirks, and for some people, knees are just too much to handle. Whether it's the way they look, the way they move, or just the thought of them, people with genuphobia will go to great lengths to avoid any kind of knee-related situation.

In conclusion, phobias can be strange and sometimes downright hilarious. While these 5 phobias might seem a little out there, it's important to remember that everyone has their own fears and anxieties. So the next time you meet someone with a bizarre phobia, try to be understanding - unless, of course, their fear is of cheese, then just run in the opposite direction.

0.348 NEOXAG


We never knew, thanks for bringing in an educative comedy for us but I wonder which of the phobias you belong to lol

0.000 NEOXAG

I think I belong to the Nomophobia group.... Can't remember the last time I wasn't with my phone and before you say it,I think I might be addicted 🙄

0.000 NEOXAG

I know I don't have Pogonophobia but its so clear my body does, probably why I have no beards

0.000 NEOXAG

The things we say to give ourselves hope😁😁

0.000 NEOXAG

I've become Venustraphobic. I wasn't born with it, it was trained into me by a series of horrible but beautiful women.

0.000 NEOXAG

I'll rank Nomophobia for me first 😂😂😂,
My heart skips whenever I touch by pocket and notice my phone isn't there... Like, oh! My God😂😂


Be like my side face has this phobia, no wonder it has refused to grow even when my jaw beards has been doing well😂😂😂

This was not just a comedy but rather a comic-educative post

Glad you shared

0.000 NEOXAG

Pognophobia has been my answer to everyone asking why I don't have side burn..... Thanks for taking out the time read the post 🙏

0.000 NEOXAG